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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Nice, Saved 60 notes Diesel today by not being able to get to Wexford so that will be going towards that loco! Smashing box too.
  2. arrrgh Quick there is 2 the wrong way round, did you get 2 of everything?
  3. Nice one. looks Like I could be a bad debt and last! , I have my Western to play with anyhow , just need to scab a 21 pin decoder from another loco. None in Marks Cork... Kids are off next week so I could be grassed up should they arrived without me intercepting them! 'Dad got a big box mum' and then I will the 3rd degree and eventually get a second big box or a kick! Enjoy Sean Well done to IRM on the success on this model. Hope it paves the way for bigger and Better things, Just gonna watch out for the IRM warehouse job there but must be in Cork!
  4. The King is in the Crowd! This time he is Maroon! Looks lovely too. Tks An Post! CMC declared it as GBP50! Sweet!
  5. Yep Coming in a few time over the next weeks, Of course not a weekend visit and I 'm starting me new role on the 1st to two chances of getting that off.
  6. So much for Green Environmental concerns, All to keep the Rich shareholders in the green. ( I must admit though I hate the OHLE)
  7. Yeah, Good mileage from the don't Touch sign, I wrote that 7 years ago!!
  8. I must admit the decent looking track really makes this special. Does not even take away it is smaller gauge.
  9. I actually got a letter today too. Fee of €3.50 is certainly putting them in the red with all this additional work. In the end simple enough. Helped the CMC said the Loco was €80!! Good luck!
  10. I Got onto Twitter and in 20 mins got the MRN at it is paid, 16 note so got a western for around 90 notes, My 1980s Hornby one can be retired (tis in bits anyhow) easy, Hopefully I see her tomorrow.
  11. Well my Western has arrived in Dublin! An post are waiting for payment of the customs charges but I got no email or SMS from them so chasing that up now. This order was from the Cheltenham Model Centre, I provided them with the Taric Code and the info need to get the customs entry sorted, The CMC never heard of a Taric code so this would of not been on the package had I not advised them and therefore it would of been returned to sender. good job I asked!
  12. He said these won't be re produced but other numbered locos, Well I expect so.... Lets get our own back on the Neighbours and issue some A's in BR Colours.., Two Tone Green, Blue and NSE. See how they like em after the 33 and Hymeks being launched at us years ago
  13. you're about 7 years too late mate. Sorry.
  14. The Memory Foam Mattresses Stink of fumes when you open them, The wife bought one and it stank so much was getting headaches from it. It is certainly the worst mattress comfort wise I have ever slept on. I wake up worse shape than I went to kip in. That Memory Foam Smell - Is Memory Foam Toxic? (hullopillow.com)
  15. Nice sized layout there Beano.
  16. I know a few lads are desperate for their yokes but it is a bit of a killer to see these landing all around the world and fellas enjoying some quiet or even noisy time when some of us 'locals' are sitting patiently for a play around. Oh The Humanity. Just waiting for the door bell to ring and get there before the missus.
  17. Phew glad I read this again. I was planning to do the Monday, Thing is young wan became Cork Country champ the other week in x country so stuck to go to the Munster Champs now on Sunday so wont get there now..:/
  18. Same here, Mail Sent. Asking for a friend, the standard decoders for the A, When will you envisage this coming back into stock?
  19. Fingers crossed they sort this for you. Looking at getting a Western from Cheltenham Model Center. 83 slobs not a bad price 12.50 for the shipping not sure if it is An Post or not!
  20. It is most likely a good book as flange says, but 60 pages @ STG40.00. Crazy price. That is €47 Euros. Same as the Aircraft books they have gone up massively in price. I've given up buying these and will looking at getting rid of what I have as the net now caters for much of what I need. I know it gets cash etc for the IRRS etc...
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