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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Its a W1 Hush Hush so 0% applies. I've explained the reasoning behind the codes to them, Ie other toys with Motors, Not sure if it is HMRC has advised them or a consultant. Man Alive If they are importing their Railway stuff from China into the EU before and now the UK with this code then they are due some Claw back on duties. Wonder could I get a cut!!
  2. Be warned Kernow are Classifying their shipments under a Tariff code with duty, I have a parcel with DPD I am playing Email tennis with them on. Who ever advising them need to be sent away somewhere dark. Electrics trains have their own code 950300300, See arrow in the pic below, Kernow advise it is 95030075 which is 4% in the circle. Doing me head in.
  3. Nice Shar, have 1 or to in the Stash. The 15 is lovely too, Iraqi killer with 2 kills, Probably seen that in one of my numerous visits to the Heath. Great spot for watching the LN aircraft. the C/D wont have much longer there with the F-35 dues soon
  4. I've been running the MK.2 recently. Like others no end of trouble with the coupling hooks, Springs too soft in the which tend to bounce the coupling off of each other. Also some Irish locos, 201 included ,the coupling hooks droop and go under the rolling stick tension locks causing derailments when pushing stock. The 201 Coupling set up I would expect was a difficult thing to design and have it sit right. I have 201 running around there, started to stutter and stall but a quick picks ups and wheel clean job oxo lovely runner.
  5. Just seen this , Very special!
  6. Rails have 20% off Gaugemaster controllers Combi Single Track Controller/ Plug in Transformer (1 amp) – Rails of Sheffield
  7. This one is the worst out of the lot, Look at the rate on the Transformer!!! How they get awa sticking this crap into a set is beyond me This is a they Baccy one, Flipping heck the price used to be round €20 quid 7 years ago. Nuts.
  8. Bit late but you could of got 100 to 75 convertors. Transition Tracks – PECO (peco-uk.com) www.hattons.co.uk - Peco Products SL-112 Converter rail joiners/fishplates code 75 to 100 for OO & HO gauge - Pack of 12
  9. If they still do them get onto Marks and get a Bachmann controller and Transformer, Loads more amps. The Amount of Hornby sets that came back was unreal as the power was really poor.
  10. Is that the Jan Issue the Nothing in Decembers one?
  11. Yeah If you still have some pennies left over for the bus up.....tis a long walk.
  12. Started on the weathering, doing this inside is not great under artificial lighting so took it out side. I feel it is a Tad too heavy on the right side so I will blend this in a bit and work on the other bits, Less is more kinda thought
  13. Visa bill came in today :/, Timely reminder, the CC stayed firmly in the Wallet!!
  14. Why on earth would you take the body off to install a Plugin decoder on the 121! Well Jenny was the same half of the video looking at the loco and the other half looking at the loco again and then allocating points for said loco. Great there a skip button on the firestick thing. However nice to see a lady involved in the hobby too.
  15. Was on the weekend just gone. Some fab stuff out there, That crane at min 20! Love to go again at some stage.
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  16. Same for the pots of Enamel, Always heat them up a tad.
  17. Traction mag again this month
  18. LOL! she was collecting me after spending a day on the river, could not loose the rag as I had to ask her the following week. Tis a 10 anyhow so not too bovered plus when it was me dads it had already had the attention of some pi$$ed up, Drugged up lout put in a load of car windows in the middle of no where but proceeded to attack my dads car with some patio chair and dented the hell outa it He got the mads as he got lost trying to find his way home from a neighbours party, Could it be proved...no but the cops picked this guy wandering around and dropped him into Mayfield...say now more...It bought the car from me dad as he has MS and it had low mileage...
  19. You should see the back of my Car after the missus backed into a wall last week, FFS depending on Beeps n cameras.... Awareness is going....
  20. Nearyl done, Just stumbled on the Aerials set up as these needed to be removable from the Main mast. I tried some very thin brass wire but could not get the tension I liked and when too taught snapped the mast white metal cross bar. In the end the Daughters jewellery box and a nice sized elastic thread came to the rescue. Oh yes the crew, These lads will have a big problem doing the Hoky Koky when it comes to the left arm.......say no more.
  21. Whats happening to me.....Irish Invasion.
  22. Crikey have not updated this in a while! Up to this stage now so here a few piccys, Gallows are in, Ratlines are complete, the Nav lights are in, The Aerials and done and a few other bits.
  23. "Explains why the Murphy Models 1916 set didn't fly off the shelfs" - Mostly cause people were not bothered with that set. I think was it late coming out too? Mr B's Thread says in 2018: "the Murphy Models MM1710 arrived at the Talbot Hotel Toy & Train Fair yesterday" Can't remember ever selling one in the Cork Shop. Did not float my boat either. I think the Selling the Fire engine on its tod would of been a better bet but It did have Dublin on it so..... Sets still for Sale in Rails for £45 notes..... The Rapido bus is looks massive over the Diecast Jobs IMHO.
  24. Theres Loads if Stuff Parked in Shannon!!
  25. Bummer Worth a try though!
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