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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. few year to go yet kid. probably about 30 or so if I am lucky. Thing is I met a few lads paragliding while up the mountains. love to have a bash at it. 10 locos sold off would have me right to give it a bash!
  2. I have a spread sheet done up, When you tally it up the Figures become a tad Scary.... I normally Leave the Receipt in the box too if I do pop me clogs the Daughter has a keen eye on the stuff I have and what prices have been Realised!
  3. Here some Vid of the GT3 in Action. Taken a month ago or so but I managed to loose my camera on a mountain walk 2 weeks but but luckily it managed to find my way back to me thanks to social Media! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xwuT-Uvc7E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EZDTaupD_c
  4. I bid on some of the UK Stuff, nuts end bid price TBH. Could get them at a show for about a 10 each if you're lucky, especially the wagons. €350 for the Princess too, not a bad price given you dont really now the condition of these yokes if they have been ran or not. right back to planes TV coverage of Duxford flying days. Seems the Chap selling them was a bit of a recluse. Artist but never sold anything, His house sold for 2.5 million some time ago.
  5. Looks Fab, Gantrys especially!
  6. Is there is a price on these?
  7. "I had hoped to hear an announcement by now on spares for them" That's the worry I have with the Irish Locos, Not really much of a Back up, Same for the other smaller runs like rails, Hattons etc and I have a good few now. When the model goes tits up where are you gonna get the spare to keep it running! lots of Shed Queens I reckon.
  8. What duty? VAT ya mean and that will get taken off the price in the UK, get it to come in with Royal Mail and a good chance you will get a nice cheap 121 if it sneaks past the Vat man those Dodgy ones and a bit much really, 10'r less then a new one.
  9. On offer in Rails, today only.
  10. Eh? Probably right there Noel bout the cost too.
  11. "local farmers have burned off the heather and replaced it with grass" = Greedy Bastards. This Practice has to stop.
  12. I should follow my own advise sometimes!! there are seriously fab looking. I used Shawplan on some Mk.111 to replace Lima Glazing, Even with a few coats of paint the glazing would not go in the fit was so tight!
  13. Will you be doing them in Gull Grey then at some stage?
  14. Very nicely done Bud.
  15. Crickey some differences in the blue there, Solid blue to faded show here.
  16. Next time....Tks Kid.
  17. Que Eamon sticking a mine now on the Bog Road
  18. Are they 3 or 2 rail Dave? Maybe looking for a Daycent steamer (German) and a few wagons, 4W coaches. Just for a small layout. any kinda train packs?
  19. grand, Well keep it in the shed so much better for the Kerry Council Do they pay storage on this I wonder?
  20. Was this not build on Standard Gauge formation or is it some deviations near the new roads, Not that I don't believe you but how is it too tight, Around the point areas?
  21. flipping Ireland has a right ar$e about T!Tway of doing things...
  22. You might get the drive it one Day Derailed!
  23. Crickey that address on the letter is in the middle of Nowhere, Is this where the loco was planned to end up?
  24. I lowered to 440kb and it worked.
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