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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Seen in Old Glory Mag this month
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  2. Yes 1986 , Me Dad took me Mam for a spin on it. I was not invited!! It was only 2.50 for a spin, That would of been 12 mars bars. She can't do in now as it is classed as an international voyage and need more stuff onboard to cover insurance and safety than would be worth it. Shame.
  3. That one worked all ok
  4. Thanks for the comments chaps. Would be nice if it did with some steam pouring out and sound! here's Anchor Windlass in action on the Waverly on a trip to the Thames Forts which seems ages ago, Well worth the money which is pretty reasonable. Got up early to see her leaving the Sunday morning after out trip. Check here out. A Great day out https://waverleyexcursions.co.uk/ MVI_5144.MOV MVI_5141.MOV
  5. Winch way to go! Two days it took me to solder this up. nice bit of kit. Need to tidy it up a bit before painting, Pretty complicated build. just need to fit the Eccentrics next and she is done.
  6. Looks Smart along with a big red Target to aim at!
  7. I saw a bit of this and did not bother watching anymore. Tried the Yesterday Channel with a new Program 'Secrets of the Transport Museum', Christ almighty it is an hour made up of about 10 mins max interesting stuff. However is you are ever down that way the Museum is well worth a days viewing. Loads of buses down there too. Much better than watching TV. https://www.brooklandsmuseum.com/explore/london-bus-museum
  8. Nice one, First Steam Railway I ever Visited @ 1 Y/O. No Sign of the Captain though, Perhaps he was on a ship!
  9. Cracking stuff Noel, you must be well chuffed!
  10. Hope the container cost rise does not effect your bottom line on these yokes and possibly affect future developments, Kick in the teeth if it did and all the good work wasted. I always wonder what the people making these in China think of us, all these good little boys in Ireland getting some toy trains to play with when in reality it is.....Well we know don't we....;)
  11. LOL! I reckon that Sams Trains have the get the unboxing exclusive rights for the A class, 1 day long special ( Guinness book of records attempt)
  12. Smashing Noel, Where did you purchase these from? "self adhesive cable keeps"
  13. I missed this too, Flipping kids gettting in the way... Arrgh.
  14. Y No need for a tracking device (cold war stuff that!), If they fancy giving out the ship number you can track that way but don't forget there are quite a lot of railway modellers in Somalia and if the pirates hear of this it could be in jeopardy and intercepted by them.
  15. Excellent, Another EMC build to Drool over. Just love these, Thanks for taking the time to put up the piccies. Looks easy but it aint!
  16. They usually stick these up on You tube under IRRS, Take a Gander at their page now.
  17. Moving Along nicely and one of the most eagerly awaited jobs, The Armour Deck Plating. 2 Sheets of paper were provided in the kit, Yeah right that will cover the hole thing plus on top of it I made a balls of two attempts do lay the Plates so had to order a pack of 50 sheet. Just trying to get a suitable Rivet head was problematic, Tried a Dart, Drill bit, Grinding bit, some other bits in bobs but nothing great, In the end I round off a 2mm brass rod and put into a pin vice and pressed each one in to each plate, marking out 5mm per rivet and 2mm in from the edge. A long process. Plate are glued with PVA watered down, What ya think? Also had to solder up a short shot cleat with some smaller brass rod onto this davit., The Shiney bit are Telescopic Aerial cut up, looks quite nice!
  18. Good Step but Still a bit to go to reach the workings of this century's way of paying for stuff. Maybe Nostalgia is not what it as good as it sounds! " send your remittance by post as we are not equipped for handling credit card sales"
  19. I can safely say the can is gone!
  20. A few more hours spent today in joyful solitude in the shed with some CD's. Major surgery with a repositioning of the engine room vent pipes, Despite going off the plans the location measured was not correct and they had to be move up and over a tad. you can see the original position in the photos. Wheel house deck is now in place too. Hours spent with little to show! The Ladders were also attached and the handrails soldered up to the main rails. All good fun! after all that work decided to treat myself to a can.
  21. At least there are not fires up there yet, Place is good mad with Famers and a$$holes setting the land ablaze.
  22. Just in the Door, Sweet Stuff, Was not happy with the White Metal guns, Very Blobby so will use these beautys instead to enhance the model.
  23. Another Small bit done here and there, Anchor winch, Boat deck, Soldered the Gallows up (U shaped White metal pieces) and the Wooden decks Glued on.
  24. Maybe with the lockdown people have realised they need to take a bit more time on themselves if they can for peace of mind. Its a Very nice set up. Will you be exhibiting it at some stage?
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