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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Marks Still have them so no panic if you did not get them from IRM. https://www.marksmodels.com/?pid=3981 Got mine at a Very Reasonable cost a few years back.
  2. Have you sold you soul to the devil then! That is some amount of Work involved! Sounds Fab though but you are gonna just be stuck to running Irish stuff. nice to have a bit of Variety too?
  3. YEP Done also good luck. I wonder if is it based on volume of votes as the UK Lads wont vote for Irish stuff really.
  4. Orders opened up today, just placed one for a lined grey version. Certainly something different to the normal Steam and Diesel!
  5. Give me working from home anytime. The Money I am saving is unreal instead of typically throwing it into the car and burning it on the 50 mile return commuting journey plus the environmental and health benefits from lack of Exhaust pollution, Noise and Tyre wear pollution and those f********** that continue to throw their litter out of their cars indiscriminately, remarkable decline in that though the country side is ruined by it. Lots of opportunities to rock out of the gaf to get some air. Interesting to see if this will actually happen as quite a number of firms etc have declined to renew leases for offices so commuting could be a thing of the past. Fingers crossed.
  6. what time during the show does it come up please?
  7. Yep I would support this Venture Certainly looks the business Robert. Well done.
  8. It certainly has come out very well Is there an Option for a Platform mounted on with less high supports?
  9. Cool sure keeps the mind occupied anyhow! Nah a Noel from Ireland popped on Britmodeller so just wondering if it was your good self"
  10. You being quickly sucked into the 90's no Noel. I'm getting worried for you. C,mere your not on Britmodeller per chance too?
  11. IRM Anniversary logo'd Transit van in green.
  12. aha Good thinking! I'll tune in now to see what 'Canvas' you are going to lay over this beauty!
  13. Very nice work, On the roof planking would you actually see that through the canvas cover? Some set up you have there Eoin now. Some of that gear I did not know even existed!
  14. VAT was probably on the UK invoice / price as DDP would cover that normally hence why you were not asked for the extra for quid.
  15. A Gentleman sent me this link earlier today for a 10 mins docs on the 'core. https://euscreen.eu/item.html?id=EUS_524B0F1DFF9D4311A5271797E7849D5E The Hot box part certainly caught my attention....
  16. Shippers and imports here are not aware of the red Tape, We have had to stop loading food now as they are causing too much issues to clear to due lack of information on paperwork and information from importers knowing what to do. Have a look at the crap on the link below that you have to do now to get something that you imported in December from the UK with no controls to the hoops you have to go through now. I expect it will all settle down at some stage but it will get worse before hand. https://www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/af50d-agriculture-and-brexit/ (Toilet Rolls are OK for now)
  17. Top Job, Are you doing the silver surround window frames? certainly would make them pop
  18. Nice one I tune in here to see progress.
  19. Nice Bus Scoile would be the Job, Right Across the land people travelled on them, Some people even got to sit next to the driver on the way to school cause they were bold and some people had happy memories of Cogging their homework on the way to school in a panic as that person was 3rd last stop to school and 10 mins away!!..........
  20. I think the Baccy one was a slow seller as it was a predominately UK modelling railway Scene in Ireland when it came out plus I think the N was not really something the Joe Soapers would click with. Heck I did not even look at any Irish stuff until I saw the MIR 141 kit. A lot of folk not going to shows would of never heard that you can make the Rolling stock. Before the Web you would only hear of shows after they happend plus Dublin was a trek back then up the ol road I'd Reckon there would be an fairly hefty uptake of say, J15 or 461 say in splendid green, The box , A Boiler shaped drum it comes in, The Mk2 RPSI and cravens are out there already for it to pull. Even is the UK there is some fairly obscure low runs coming out these days. I thought the OO works J15 was a tad too high price for what it was, A wee Bit Clunky but it sold out which was great but mostly I had hoped the IRM lads would get the slide rule out on that loco for a later release., I expect over the water lads would perk up toowith the possibility of Irish steam locos to buy given the shift to pre grouping locos like the Stirling Single etc there is always the clamour that something that bit different. I'll draw the line at the Orange Diesels and possibly and orange 2600 but after that its too modern for me as my rose tinted glasses go out for focus then. If it ain't gonna happen then I am the richer for it adn wont lose any sleep but I expect some more mobile sheds yet to come. We will C.
  21. Add the gloves!
  22. 90 would be a lovely one to kick of, All those Courtmac layouts just waiting to be built! I do prefer the ol steam to the mobile sheds.
  23. not glued on yet! Note taken for later though!
  24. Small bit more on the Weedy. could see some gubbins inside to coach in Brians pictures, Some control panel, a Tank and some piping jsut about seen so said what the heck After all I am up against the super weed spray pack. Gotta put that little Exhaust pipe in too Started some weathering too with the frames and bogies done, Not gonna over do it too much.
  25. Very nice, Wonder would whesty do Stainless etches for this Logos, It would really set that off for you. Painting is faultless too! Wonderful!
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