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Gabhal Luimnigh

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Everything posted by Gabhal Luimnigh

  1. Lovely model.
  2. A few more pics from tonight, erected a few electricity poles and some more ground work, just a couple of scenes too.
  3. If I don't keep at it then it won't be finished, as Bertie said, lots done and more to do!
  4. Well worth it lad.
  5. Fair dues lad, I don't have any points wired yet even though I have point motors, I will bite the bullet sometime though
  6. That's something I have never seen, fairly unique I suppose, lovely photo.
  7. When is Glasgow on? Is that railway specific?
  8. Thanks for that
  9. Added some more undergrowth, trees, figures etc., it's time consuming but satisfying at the same time.
  10. That's looking lovely
  11. Fingers crossed and hopefully
  12. Great stuff, put them on the for sale section with prices please and I will search the house
  13. For sale or for drooling?
  14. Nice work.
  15. The youngsters won't get into the hobby because it's too expensive, they can buy a secondhand games console for the price some people are asking for a loco, Hattons is going to be a huge loss to the demographic and I think more outlets will close, I hope it doesn't turn into a monopoly for Hornby etc., we really are lucky to have IRM.
  16. Jaysus it swallows it up Derek
  17. Thanks lad, I already have that number coach
  18. Excellent value for money, fair dues. Have you a picture of the carriage?
  19. Thanks Eoin, I found a drawing online and have all the measurements now, I even have them scaled down, fairly easily, multiplied everything by 0.83 and hey presto. Great source of information there, thanks Eoin, much appreciated.
  20. Hi Colin, the website is under pressure with the closing down sale and all the pre-order queries, it took me ages to place an order today, I think it will be busy for the week.
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