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Everything posted by Angus

  1. Looks good Galteemore, certainly captured the look of the carriage. Just out of interest what drawing did you use as a starting point?
  2. That's looking good Galteemore, No 4 is on my to do list also, a quintessential SLNCR carriage!
  3. Angus

    KMCE's Workbench

    Hi Ken, As I've said over on my Sligo thread it is very much appreciated that you've shared your work with us. Thanks Angus
  4. Thanks Ken, That is much appreciated, although the Sligo tank is somewhat different it is always useful to have some comparable dimensions to compare to. Angus
  5. Hi David, I've just sent you a PM, I am suspicious of the plan dimensions for the smokebox and boiler. As modelled they look about right (which is the aim of the game is it not?). I suspect if you had made the smokebox 6" wider it would have looked very wrong. I agree with Murryrec that there is something off with the sandboxes though when compared to the photo( did these vary across the prototype?). The sandboxes on the drawing I sent also seem to more like the model than the the photo
  6. Hi Ken, Yes please, any details would be useful. Thanks Angus
  7. Angus

    KMCE's Workbench

    Hi Ken, I've just been asking about a gas tank that appears on a couple of photos at Sligo over on my thread about Sligo station and was pointed here. The tank wagon in question is different to yours but I would guess similar in size, what diameter did you establish the tank to be? Thanks in advance. Angus
  8. Thanks Eoin, I will do, it looks like a different wagon (no end timbers and straining wires) but probably similar dimensions.
  9. Thanks both, I did wonder if that's what it was, it looks quite antiquated. Something else to add to the list to model. I doubt any drawing exist though so it will need to be scaled from photos.
  10. Having conquered to locomotive roster I am now looking into the carriages, One question before I delve into that though, whilst looking at the photos of SLNCR passenger stock I came across this picture on the HMRS web site. https://hmrs.org.uk/photographs/tri-composite-bogie-coach-no-10.html My question isn't about the carriage but the tank wagon next to it. It is clearly a CIE vehicle but the tank seems very narrow in diameter. Any ideas what this might be for (....or is Guiness really that dense!) ?
  11. hi Brack, No thread clogging here, all useful information. I'll watch developments with interest, however slow. We are only playing with trains after all, there are other demands on our time!
  12. Thanks Brack, That is helpful, previously the preview photos were of such a low quality the dimensions could not be read once blown up on screen. These drawings are for the Large Tanks (Sir Henry, Enniskillen & Lough Gill) rather then the earlier Small Tanks (Fermanagh, Leitrim, Lurganboy, Lissadell and Hazelwood ) which I am starting with. If you do produce a 3d print version I would be interested in one in 1:152 scale (Body only). I suspect if you can crack getting an easy to build chassis sorted in 4mm scale you will have a queue at your door. Your models on the website are superb by the way!
  13. Hi Mark, If you have code 55 in stock I would use that. It is more widely available. The difference between code 55 and 60 is negligible ( 5 thou) so 1/8th (0.125) of millimetre in height, we are getting near the limits of perception here!
  14. Hi 2996 Victor, I've just got to appendix 3 in The Baronial Lines of the MGWR It states that 79lb rail was used from new spiked to half round sleepers at 1,940 to the mile for straight track. I would guess the sleeper spacing equates to 3ft centres with a slight narrowing at track joints. In the past I have compared LNWR 85lb and 95lb rail to code 124 in 7mms scale. The code 124 fell almost exactly in between so equivalent on 90lb rail This equates to about code 60 in 4mm for 79lb rail. I think code 60 flat bottomed rail is available from the 3mm scale association but you have to be a member. Code 55 flat bottomed is widely available as it used by U.S. N scale modellers The lines were not relaid until the 1920s with 23 and 26ft lengths of 80lb rail. My guess is the original rail length would be similar.
  15. Great progress there David, looking forward to seeing the J19 take shape. Is there a choice of cab?
  16. Hi David, a second vote here for Archers rivets https://www.archertransfers.com/SurfaceDetailsNscale.html They can be ordered direct from the USA and service is normally prompt. I have used them to back date the cab of a 7mm Minerva Manning Wardle, they are easy to use can come in a selection of "gap" sizes. Don't be tempted by the cheaper Micromark equivalent, I spent hours cursing my decision to save a few pennies, pale imitations I'm afraid.
  17. I had a play around with the backscene for the layout today. The original intention was the layout would be viewed from the rear of the station with the station building, goods shed and signal box all acting as view blockers for the fiddle yard exits. This works (apologies for the poor photos the sun was coming in the window behind) This has the disadvantage of not being able to see the wheels of any stock as the platforms prevent this. Up to now I have been presenting the layout in the more traditional front view. Obviously here there is no view blocker for the fiddle yard exits from the mainline, there is also a bank in front of the station that might look a bit odd in this view. Still not convinced which is better though, any opinions out there? The mock up of the station building is scaled from various photos, it looks way too tall but I've double checked the measurements, if the is an error it is only a mm or so. I'll need to draw on the windows and dividing line between the stone lower and rendered upper floor to see if breaking up the surface change the appearance.
  18. The Window shape and door handles would suggest an ex-MGWR, and ex 6W 5 compartment 3rd as this drawing kindly post by Mayner:- I'm not sure about the apparent panelling above the windows and doors though.
  19. Hi David, It has taken me a shade under 4 hours to get to this stage, albeit I bought the print rather than design it myself. If you factor the CADing up then I suspect this would stretch to a couple of days depending on your CAD skills. That said, if you had the CAD file other print options open up to you that have less cleaning up work but the printing is slower and not suited to any kind of batch production.
  20. After about three hours of careful sanding last night, mostly using a toothpick which was surprisingly effective, I was left with this Whilst not perfect it is a lot better than when it arrived. After re-scribing the doors and a blast of primer: All in all I'm fairly happy. I might have a last go at smoothing out if the mood takes me. Please bare in mind the carriage is 2mm scale so reproduced here at lest a couple of times bigger than actual.
  21. Lovely model David, what did you base the plans on if you don't mind me asking? Is this another Alphagraphix card base converted into plastic or do you have the source drawing?
  22. Thanks Galteemore, I've just been searching for the volume in question, it might be heresy but I've always been put off by locomotive preformance writing. O.S Nock seems to drone on in most of his books in quite a turgid manner on this. I'll give Ahrons a try having discovered him the author of the phrase "better a dead mackerel on the North Western than a first class passenger on the Brighton line" his narrative should be more entertaining!
  23. Hi Georgeconna, Thanks for your interest. The control car is a BE2 as used in the original SS class dirigibles in 1916. The control car is a white metal kit adapted to represent control car modifications. The remainder is scratch built. The layout has been documented over on RMweb: https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/109742-rnas-glencruitten-relocating-lenabo/
  24. Hi Andy, I feel your pain (or will do when I start the sanding process). I have bought a couple of things from Shapeways so knew what to expect. As there is no etched brass kit for the MGWR carriages and the shape of the brake 3rd is relatively complex I reasoned starting with the 3D print would be quicker than scratch building.
  25. Thanks Galteemore, It'll be a slow growth, I want to finish the carriages first. In between times I will be cutting components to add the the box, tanks sides, cabs etc. That way when I start in anger it should come together quickly, always assuming I've cut the parts the right size to start with (not always gauranteed!)
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