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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. Ed O'Neill / Irish Retro is gauging interest in a Bus Éireann LD Resin model, as per the email received: Hi, you previously expressed interest in a Bus Éireann LC die cast 1/87 scale model which did not proceed due to insufficient orders. We are now considering running a small batch of a Bus Éireann LD resin 1/76 scale kit model and this email is merely to gauge potential orders. Pre-orders are not being taken at this time. If you are interested, please respond, advising if you would prefer a kit (as in you make it up) or a completed model (as in we make it up). Kits will cost in the region of c.€90 exclusive of transfers whilst completed models including painting and transfer application will be c € 160, both costs subject to confirmation. Thanks and regards Ed O'Neill Here's the CONTACT FORM for Irish Retro.
  2. I’ll take a few grey 071’s if they’re being donated! Much obliged!
  3. If I die tomorrow, I’ll do so happy in the knowledge that we finally have this in RTR model form!
  4. DJD Senior received his confirmation email today, so he'll be there. "Ambitious" means that it's an 800 Class (please take my money and kidneys), or a collaboration with Murphy Models and Oxford Rail to bring a train pack containing an 071 loco and Mk3 coaches to the market, or the "ambitious" part is the RPSI loco sitting outside the event on a trailer. Either way, Senior will be there!
  5. Aside from the email confirming that you had entered your details on the form, I don't think there was an actual confirmation email.
  6. That’s the one. It was Roads And Rails who came up with a simple wiring fix. Which of your profiles, though?
  7. I don't think the Class 60 sound profile has been released. The pre-production samples given to reviewers a few months back had Class 66 decoders:
  8. I have some real leverage over him, plus, I know where he lives. Will send somebody around later to leave a pack of rotten eggs on his doorstep as a reminder.
  9. Let the (speculation) games begin! I’m off to blackmail @jhb171achill for a hint.
  10. These ones? https://shop.c-rail-intermodal.co.uk/index.php?route=product/search&search=Tank
  11. Fair bit of wrapping ahead of you… Merry Christmas, ho ho ho!
  12. It IS handy when things are also shared openly, in some cases, so that people have an idea of what is going on. For both the customers and for A/S, the community is invaluable in that aspect. With A/S and IRM, I think that we can be very sure that there is nothing sinister going on behind the scenes. There’s always a straightforward reason.
  13. There has been a longterm glitch on the A/S website, when logged in and in the account area. Sometimes, prices display in Euro. Sometimes, prices display in Sterling, Sometimes, the numeric value is correct, but the currency SYMBOL is incorrect. Flagged this with @MOGUL last year, and if I recall correctly, they were aware of it and working on it. Possible that the numeric values in Euro were affected by this same glitch, had Sterling symbols applied instead of Euro symbols, and were then erroneously converted from Sterling to Euro. For example, the system mistakenly imported €859,36 EURO from your IRM account as £859,36 GBP, then converted that to €1039,36 EURO. Exchange rate sounds similar to that 21% increase, numerically. Also possible that you've been charged UK Vat, which you shouldn't have been charged if you're based in NZ.
  14. Customs declaration for 31420 presented this morning… Now, we play the waiting game.
  15. Here you go: https://touch.adverts.ie/models/model-railway-irish-fertiliser-wagons/36382155
  16. Same seller always has heavily marked-up Irish stock…
  17. What liveries did the single-door variants carry?
  18. I feel that it would be a good idea for one of the mods to merge these three threads into one: https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/topic/18164-order-confusion/ https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/topic/18106-irm-is-changing https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/topic/18073-irm-wagons Maybe a title like "Please Bear With Us as IRM is Evolving" or something like that. There are going to be teething issues for sure with such a big change. A lot of customers are going to be inconvenienced to some extent, not "only one". It's possible that AS are at the point where resources that should be dedicated to getting the move smoothly executed are instead being lost on trying to keep up with assuring us that they're dealing with things. I've been trapped in that rut several times myself, whereby instead of dealing with our guests, I'm using the only time I have to tell them that I WILL deal with them once I finish telling everybody else that I will also deal with them. Merging the three threads running simultaneously on the same topic would be a start, and if somebody had an issue that is genuinely urgent, they can see the general progress via the thread. I'm sorry that people are having issues, I feel for you (and for me) and for IRM. I'm sure that this time next month, we'll all have our wagons and be happy as pigs in sh1te.
  19. Another nice bus from TTC Diecast! Mine arrived today, incredibly fast for something originating outside the archipelago.
  20. That’s class! Where did you apply lube? The hubs or axle points?
  21. That’s dead handy! It didn’t seem that way, but great to know that it is.
  22. The only downside lately is that the replies from support no longer include the mail that they’re replying to, so if you have given references or order numbers, you have to do it all again for the next mail. Those blue 55’s ARE gorgeous, though!
  23. Shipping notification for my Class 31 received! Yay!
  24. Amazon Photos reminded me that Hatton's delivered this beauty two years ago today, 92038 in Caledonian Sleeper livery:
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