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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. I see a load of them landing out the back here every day. Never been but it looks fabulous!
  2. I'll try that one evening this week, thanks!
  3. Been trying to contact DC Kits by email the past two weeks or so, but haven't received a reply to any of my emails. Does anybody know if Charlie is unwell or something? I hope that he's alright, and it's just an oversight, an email server problem or whatever.
  4. How old are you now, George? I'm a patient man...
  5. Settle down, lads, he's probably not gonna keel over just yet.
  6. Those Bubbles look very light. Were they actually dark grey, or were they just painted in primer? I'm almost sure I saw DiveController ask a similar question in another thread. Sorry for going OT.
  7. Have a feeling that in another thread, it was said that price point and delivery dates would be announced late summer, after gauging demand.
  8. I got very excited for a moment and thought that you were releasing 323,583 of the post-1970 vans. I'll definitely take some of the latter two from you. Outstanding work, @Mayner!!!
  9. Was it 234 that had the cracked chassis? Did they butcher her for parts to restore 232? What had been wrong with 232?
  10. Ah well, we'll soldier on... How many IRM customers are based in Las Canarias, I wonder?
  11. Does that mean that online sellers will have to charge 7% IGIC for sales to Las Canarias at point of sale, instead of selling VAT free? That would save a lot of headaches when receiving orders, having the IGIC pre-paid.
  12. I suspect that most of the issues suffered by 121's come from a combination of poor packaging design this time around, ie the foam cradle, and the pressure that postal services and couriers around the globe were under during the first "Pandemic Christmas" last year. I forget the actual figures but it was something like three times the volume of parcels sent relative to previous years, with only half the staff working. Parcels were being drop-kicked around the planet, and no loco was going to survive every bounce, specially such a highly detailed one as the 121. I had hoped to hear an announcement by now on spares for them, though, agree wholeheartedly there. From buying my own and from reading accounts online, I'd guess that about a third of the models released need replacement vaccum hoses, hand-rails or both.
  13. Ah, sure that's at least twenty years ahead of us...
  14. Mk4's are old-timey coaches for the next generation...
  15. Which you'd also pay on the full price one. Interesting that the grey 121's seem to be hanging around more than others. I see Hattons have quite a lot of second-hand 121's on sale these past few months. I wonder if they are units that were damaged in transit and returned to them, as I can't imagine anybody parting with a 121 willingly. Edit: I see that Hattons have added SIX damaged 121's for sale today alone.
  16. I made that up, tongue in cheek to annoy the old guys looking for old-timey laminates and stuff. @jhb171achill ...
  17. Yeah, at a hundred quid each. i'd rather twelve of IRM's forthcoming Mk4's or Paddy's Mk3's for the same price.
  18. Bought it like that, almost half price so I couldn't say no!
  19. Any chance that TTC can have a word and arrange a special triple-header for the last ever port liner? @ttc0169 You gonna start cycling down to Rosslare for liner photos, Rob? Give the legs a good auld stretch?
  20. 3,8 MB test image uploading OK just now.
  21. Does anybody know much about Honowell diecast vehicles They have a very "Cararama" look to them, and seem to be around 1/72. These were bought a long time ago, maybe 25 years, and were lost in the depths until surfacing very recently, slightly battered, but nice nonetheless. Just wondering about the company and what happened to them. Thanks!
  22. Murphy Models 171 and some IE livery Mk2D's to haul, please!
  23. Oops, this thread appears twice! Maybe a mod could merge them?
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