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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. First, more important than welcoming you to the forum, I get dibs on the Irish stuff if you sell up... Welcome to the forum! 10 x 10 is a huge space. You could literally run two different levels, and have both levels criss-cross the shed several times. At a guess, you could have two "peninsulas", one at each side, which would give four runs the length of the shed. If it were possible to squeeze in a fifth run, you could connect to the start of the first with a diagonal running above the rest of the track. As DC says, and as Noel pointed out to me previously, think long term and make your baseboards small enough so that they can easily be transported in the future. I'm not sure what fits comfortably across the back seats of your average car? Maybe 1000mm or 1200mm? Are you running DC control or DCC control? DCC means you can fit a lot more in as there's less need for complete loops. I've recently bought a DC Gaugemaster Shuttle controller to try on an end-to-end DC layout, but have no feedback to offer as of yet. Best of luck.
  2. So they're perfect for completing rakes of IRM's last red Taras, while also perfect for anybody lucky enough to track down a grey 071!
  3. Do I have this correct? These blue Taras will wear G1 (first gen) lids. The previous IRM red Taras wore G2 lids. These new red Taras will wear G3 lids.
  4. Ghdjkjfgrhfjjfgjcx... Translation: Too excited to type. Who was that moaning? Not good enough? Would ye get the boat???
  5. Me three. Boskonay posted something the other day about some features not surviving the server migration, so they need to be re-sized to much smaller dimensions before uploading. Likewise for PM's, "Error 200" when trying to attach pictures from the mobile. Too lazy to re-size them!
  6. That's what I was thinking, and IRM's model of C226 will be in the semi-restored livery...
  7. Will one of them have an IRM plate on the side???
  8. And forgot to mention what the "S" and the "A" stand for. You want that level of detail in your unboxing videos, there's an amazing channel that you should follow, called Sam's Trains...
  9. Outstanding info, JHB. As Mayner says, it was always the cold, clear nights when the sound would travel best. The GM's sounded like they were just around the corner. Ah, the nostalgia.
  10. I should have added a few minutes run time by saying that every 30 seconds!
  11. I recorded this video just for @jhb171achill, as I know he's a rabid fan of twenty minute unboxing videos:
  12. I have hazy memories of living in Artane in the early eighties, and at night, I could hear the sounds of GM locomotives carrying over the air. Killester would have been the closest station, probably around a kilometre and a half as the crow flies. What late evening and nocturnal trains that would have been running on that line back in those days? Probably pre-DART era.
  13. You must have some set of legs on you if you're gonna be cycling down there to get some photos.
  14. Outstanding work! Had to look at these photos on the PC as they are so good. So, the big question... Will you be selling them in twin packs or in rakes of eight when production is up and running?
  15. A couple of P42 questions... Yeah, I'm that thicko who always has millions of questions. IRM have three P42 chassis; 1. Brown bogies and unmarked chassis (1971 until when? ) 2. Brown bogies and yellow markings on chassis 3. Black bogies and unmarked chassis (2013 onwards? ) When did each of the three variants run from and until? Thanks to @jhb171achill, we know that the black bogie variant was relatively new in September 2013, and I assume runs as is to this day. The weedspray ran on 42' flats from 2005 / 2006, thanks to @Warbonnet for posting that, and presumably they were brown bogies with yellow markings on the chassis until late 2013, then black bogies until withdrawal in mid 2018? The fleet of 90 fertilizer wagons ran in that livery from when until when? I remember earlier in this thread, somebody was saying that the fertilizer wagons also ran in a different livery? Some of the 40T fertilizer wagons were upgraded to 48T wagons to carry Bord Na Mona peat briquettes, according to @h gricer and Mayner. When did these run from and until? HG said that they only ran in rakes of eight when hauling peat briquettes, not ten, and posted a photo dated 1993. One rake of ten fertilizer wagons was converted around 1994 for removing obsolete lineside poles, according to @mphoey and Mayner. The Guinness crates that we have are the revised version, ie G2, I understand, with higher sides on the cages. When did the G1 keg cages run from and until, and when did the G2 ones run from? Guinness traffic ended in 2006. Thanks to @Mayner for posting that. The IRM containers, - which ran from when until when? CIE 20' Bell 40' (late 70's until early 90's? ) B&I 40' (late 70's until early 90's? ) As an aside, from @Arran's C-Rail range, which of the following ran from when until when? Bell 20' B&I 20' Hapag-Lloyd 40' 8'6" GCATainer 20' spider tank Bruhn 20' spider tank CAI red 40' 8'6" K-Line red 40' 8'6" Tiphook brown 40' 8'6" Cronos brown 40' 8'6" Freightliner all red 40' 8'6" Freightliner red and white 40' 8'6" Freightliner red and yellow 40' 8'6" ONE pink 40' 8'6" I have loads more container questions, but that's enough for today. Thanks all!!!
  16. Don't worry, A Class arriving in a few months will flip that problem right back around and there'll be no rolling stock for them to haul.
  17. As P42 launched, there were 071's everywhere. Within six months, they were all gone. So, it's IRM's fault... In a way, they owe us a run of 071's!
  18. I'm sure that IRM have them all on their roadmap for the distant future.
  19. How much longer before we see IRM release twin-packs of 141's and twin packs of 071's? A twin pack would still be cheaper than this: https://www.ebay.ie/itm/174756107134#vi__app-cvip-panel
  20. Stunning layout, so well built, and that little forklift does a great job at catching the eye.
  21. Fabulous work! I wonder if there are still any South Eastern Finecast flush-glazing kits in existence, or has somebody bought them all up?
  22. Ah, would ye all stop with the moaning, like a bunch of old washer ladies? The IE one looks great. Sure, you could nitpick that the windows weren't covered and the bogie dirt is the wrong colour, but overall it looks excellent, and would look even better sitting on some of the layouts that we've seen here on the forum. Anyhow, it's your fault that they're doing this, George! They wouldn't waste their time if the likes of you or Noel were pumping out batches of them.
  23. I use a BlackBerry. Thought that might have been the problem.
  24. I just noticed today that one or two posts have disappeared, along with one or two PM's that I sent, and my reactions to a few posts have also disappeared. I thought that it may have been my mobile, but a re-start hasn't changed anything. Is the forum having an off-day?
  25. So there are several Bell Bulks skulking around???
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