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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. Although, I was expecting to see at least a few flags more dotted throughout the mainland.
  2. Seeing the A Class already selling out has got me wondering about the blue Tara Mines wagons. The wagons were blue when launched in 1977, thanks to Railer's post for that info, but when were they painted red? The IRM models that we currently have, do they have second generation lids? Apart from the wagon colours, which lids were used from when until when? Were the A Class all SuperTrain by 1977 or were there still some black and orange examples hauling Tara Mines trains?
  3. What are the odds of the Mk3 rake being put back into regular service for IE?
  4. It's only Noel lashing out because his modern era yellow infatuation has been exposed.
  5. Wow, and you're up near the North Pole! I hear all of the 53 degreeers mumbling about heating and damp and not being able to use their garden sheds in the winter, but you must have that 365 days per year!
  6. It's a great idea from a community point of view, once people are careful to only enter their post-codes while opting in, not their actual addresses. I see one or two members putting random addresses, presumably to try be funny, but that kind of defies the point. If you don't wanna opt-in, no problem, but at least respect those who do.
  7. They'll look great alongside your grey 071's and Spoil wagons, passengers or no!
  8. How could you not call this the Golden era? It's quite literally golden with sexy white stripes! Admittedly, "Modern" will move on and what's currently "Modern" will be re-classified into the "Silver and Black" era and the "Freight Grey" era...
  9. Pre-ST = "Pre-Historic era" when it comes to classification. ST was the "Warm era", then IR and IE were the "Golden era". Anything post-orange is " Modern"... But yes, obviously, a hundred years ago, Tin Vans were modern and essential!
  10. Thou dost protest too much, but admitting to your growing modern era collection is the first step.
  11. You're in the closet about the modern image. Those who shout the loudest have the most to hide. I'm sure you have several weedspray and spoil trains!
  12. 34's close enough to the sweet spot alright!
  13. Nearly everybody around the 53 degree mark. How do you all hack the weather up there?
  14. That's awesome. I've opted in, but my poor little marker looks so lonely!
  15. DJ Dangerous

    DJ Dangerous

  16. It would need to be opt-in rather than opt-out, and that would satisfy everybody. It would be very very cool. I'm particularly interested in how many flags pop up around Europe.
  17. Good news for me, as I'm subscribed to this thread so I'll get an instant email notification! I suggest that others make sure they're subscribed, too! Hint, hint, @skinner75!
  18. Will we get a heads-up here on the forum when they arrive?
  19. Only 21 CIE Ballast Pack A's left in stock!!! With the A Class imminent, you'll all be crying that you never got yours! Time to buy or cry.
  20. Nearly sure that the IRM lads said that they will be stocking it, but obviously I couldn't post a link that doesn't yet exist.
  21. For the first time in modern history, apart from the IRM buses, this one isn't a secret: https://www.hattons.co.uk/517148/northcord_model_company_iebus0005_adl_enviro400_mmc_dublin_bus_/stockdetail.aspx
  22. If there's only one flag, though, you're literally looking for one in two million. I like those odds!
  23. That'd be very interesting - maybe with some anonymity built-in. A flag on the global map for each member without disclosing their username. Surely that has to be possible? I lurked for years before signing up. I'm nearly sure that the forum had a different name back then. Also, even if you're not logged in and search for certain things online, the forum is returned in the top results. Plus, there are members who've left for whatever reason over the years, and may not want it known that they still use the forum as a resource.
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