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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. I also have one of these on order to haul some RPSI Cravens in a ficticious world.
  2. It's not a marketing style, it's just the real world. IRM have repeatedly announced that they are increasing the size of subsequent runs to satisfy demand and keep people happy, but how far can you ask them to go, how many hundreds of thousands of Euro can you ask them to risk on a project? The A Class project must be three or four years since announcement, and the market now is very different to what it was back then. We, their customers, are constantly harassing them for info on how many units are being produced, how many have sold, how many are available, and it's unfair to then accuse them of marketing malice by simply responding to our requests.
  3. In years to come? You mean in months to come! People will be losing their minds come Christmas.
  4. One model? There'll be a lot more than just one of the range!
  5. LOL, that's only when the sellers are looking for fifty quid more than they bought them for... Or more!
  6. Are they already on sale?
  7. Excellent idea publishing a list like this. It protects the quantities while helping people plan and budget. Fair play for coming up with that... Will you be doing the same when you release your 141's / 181's?
  8. Be careful, I hear that stuff rots your face away.
  9. Just saw this on eBay today, for anybody interested: https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Translink-NIR-C3000-3-car-Bodyshell-Set-by-CMAC-Model-Railways/174679168105?hash=item28abb09469:g:x04AAOSwPv9gS1~8
  10. Great to see ao much modern stock on your layout! IE era everywhere, current era Mk4 resprays, an ever-increasing grey 071 fleet. I'll bet you have about ten yellow weedspray trains that you only run when the cameras are off.
  11. Awesome! Did you set it on fire briefly for added effect?
  12. No point if we have MM IR livery Mk2D's on the way. Better keeping it as is. That Galway livery is gorgeous and looks even better on the model than it did in real life.
  13. Had a look. I'd love a Galway set like that, but it's almost twice the price it should be, so not this time. https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Lima-Mk-2-Intercity-Galway-Livery-Murphy-models/294095121928?hash=item44796f6e08:g:02MAAOSwv-NgZF3c https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Murphy-models-Mk2-Galway-Livery-Generator-Van/294095129628?hash=item44796f8c1c:g:IBgAAOSwgrZgZF8o Pretty sure that odd running numbers were the batch with paint issues, and even running numbers were the corrected batch.
  14. Finally something for the Irish Deltic to haul!
  15. Struggling to see how many coaches there were for sale. Looked like three plus the DVT. Not a bad price considering the price that the SIlver Fox Mk3's and DVT's retail at - and they don't seem to be planning any more batches of DVT's at the moment. The MM ones could be a couple of years away, yet, as that was a huge announcement by MM, surely several years worth of stuff.
  16. Excellent, I can't wait!!! How do you film the cab view? A GoPro stuck to an IRM 42' Flat?
  17. Are Lakeview and Riverside on the lower level, with Tara Junction and the bus depot on the upper level? Any chance, some day, of a cab-ride around one level, then down the connection and around the other level? The last driver training video was fabulous!
  18. What's a dropper board, what can it do, and what will you use it for?
  19. @murphaph suggested this to me a few months back, when discussing the Spoils. The Spoils are designed with the lugs as part of the load, rather than a small part glued to the deck, so when you remove the loads, you're left with a smooth deck. I think that there was one corner on each where the load was glued, so I have one yellow corner on each flat where the lug snapped inside the deck. Four tiny little balls of ProTastic Black Tack work perfectly, as you can see in the photos. I've actually used too much, as the flats can be picked up by the load and shook with no movement at all, so smaller balls (giggity) would have done the job. I ordered directly from ProTastic as it was out of stock on Amazon.de at the time.
  20. Cue a new thread: The Buses of Ashburton Grove!
  21. This is meant to be a family-friendly forum!
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