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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. Only a matter of time and I'm sure IRM will offer us a Trunk service. That will make hattons largely obsolete, except for the odd second-hand Lima coach.
  2. I'd say that we need to give things time to settle. BrExit is new, we don't know where we're going with it, we don't know if there'll be any political spats between the UK and European countries in the future to make things worse, or will they both sit down at a table and agree that it's ridiculous dividing rather than uniting, and agree on some common tax and import / export policies which make things better. What is that phrase, hope for the best and prepare for the worst? With that in mind, assume that you'll pay 20% or so on top of everything you spend in Britain, and if you don't pay it, or can reclaim it, it's a bonus.
  3. Of course it's to do with BrExit. The whole goal of BrExit was to limit freedom of movement of people, goods and services, in other words, to "take back control". The double taxation will happen if the seller does not properly declare that tax has already been paid, OR if you use a third party mail forwarding service like AddressPal. In using a third-party service like that, you are doing as @NIR says, and having a product delivered to the UK, then subsequently exported to Ireland, almost like it's being sold a second time. There is no friction at all when in one EU country and buying from another EU country - you pay whatever tax is due when you buy, and that's it, it's delivered to your door. It's when you buy from or sell to a third country, be it China, the UK, the US or wherever, that the extra paperwork and the friction comes into play. Hattons though, for example, are VAT registered in some EU countries, so in theory, once they actually declare that the VAT has been paid and don't forget to put a sticker on it (LOL @murphaph), it should arrrive while you're making your tea, no problem. Although, who the Hell drinks tea nowadays?
  4. Sorry, I 'phoned them this morning and snagged the last Jinty.
  5. True, it's only effective when applied to an industry that is either some way immune to external variables, or has flexibility built in which allows redistribution of resources so that delays do not have an adverse effect.
  6. Probably stands for "Just In Time". Means never having anything in stock and never planning for a rainy day.
  7. £240 per coach is the guts of €280 in real money, plus time, effort and paint, so about six times more expensive than an MM ST Mk2D. Still, be very very cool to see a rake of them one day.
  8. That's where it gets interesting, and what I was wondering about. Surely, for the different scales, certain items woulf either have to be omitted, modified or re-scaled, as there's always going to be a trade-off between realism and practicality. Is there a raw CAD base which is 100% accurate, which in turn is modified to suit each scale, maybe? The interiors would be wrong on the O Gauge coaches, though, no? And, weren't there only six Mk2A's? So we'd still need some Mk2C's and Mk2B restaurants to complete the rake, plus a box-shouldered modified Dutch van? And an infinite bank account.
  9. I found some photos of the older version of the real life Octopus, but can't find any photos of that one.
  10. Trying to send a PM but I can't see straight for the tears of joy.
  11. Great news - then I'll know exactly when I need to start blocking calls from my bank manager.
  12. Thanks, Corky. Just home now and two of them are already out of stock. Tried to buy the others online... No 3DS pop-up so can't pay! Aaaaaaaaargh!!!
  13. It was actually one of your 2013 posts (the year, not the number of posts) where I saw you say that you had only recently seen them turned out in black!
  14. Very nice. Did Guinness actually use those trucks in real life, or is that a special for the "Brewery Series"?
  15. They're now priced around £240 STG, so even more than anticipated! Moving on from this topic a little, and maybe an insider like @BosKonay, @Warbonnet, @WRENNEIRE or @Garfield could offer some insight, but how does the whole scanning and CAD process translate for different scales? For example, I assume that MM still have the scanning and CAD work for their OO gauge locos, so would that same groundwork be appropriate for O gauge locos? LIkewise how would IRM's A Class scanning and CAD apply to an O Gauge loco? Does it all have to be done again, or is it all the same? I'm not really talking about the financial viability, no matter how cool the locos would be in O gauge, more the technical side of the pre-tooling work. I mean, the locos would probably have to sell at €500 a pop, so the market would be limited, I know.
  16. Try WRENNEIRE or Chris Dyer for the 071's, although you may need to commission a respray from Chris if your desired livery is unavailable. Those coaches are like gold dust. Finding a rake may not be easy. If we're blessed, maybe we'll see more of them released some day, to couple up to the lovely new A Classes!
  17. When did the black bogies come about, roughly? Was that something in the last ten years or so?
  18. I'd love to call dibs on it as I like the locos of today but there's no way I could budget €300 or €400! Had a quick search for "Murphy Models" on ebay.ie and can't find yours either, sorry.
  19. Probably no single area to point the finger. In those Modern Marvels "Engineering Disasters" videos, almost every time, the disaster results from multiple failures rather than just one. Hello IE!
  20. I often wonder about the viability of the railways in Ireland. In theory, rail should be more efficient and more environmentally friendly than road transport. However, after many years working in Ireland, and I can only assume that IE suffers the same, the massive thorn in the side of efficiency and progress everywhere I worked was the unions. I used to think that their role was to protect employees, their rights, their conditions, their wages, their treatment. But, what I saw over the years was that things went too far. When technological advances or a changing economy made a post extinct, employees would still be entitled to work the same hours for the same money without taking on a different role. If IE suffers like this, and there are never pay cuts and never changes in job descriptions, the rails will slowly strangle themselves into obsolesence. I never understood this clip as a kid, but it is painfully accurate as an adult:
  21. It says that they're in stock in Greenogue. If you send an enquiry asking for them, they'll make them available online again.
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