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Midland Man

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Everything posted by Midland Man

  1. Ah yes but the hard work had been done by the LBSCR who had started electrifying there lines in 1909 but the Waterloo and city railway had started in 1899 when they built 5 small DMUs. A lot of the routes on the southerns books had been already electrified by the LBSCR. The southern had only built one class o unit that being for the Portsmouth electrification of 1937. Sure the only new dock engines the southern ever got were the USA tanks from after the war as the antique B4s,E2s and E4s had been run to the ground and were only been used as the was no alternative. Sure the southern had stuff like a Drummond 0-4-0 tanks and even aN ex LSWR 0298 tank 2-4-0 on there books whitch go back to the 1870s and were only used on China clay branches as they had nothing else. If you have ever heard the real class of Thomas the tank engine (E4) you would know that they were just pure sh#t and you are right. They were meant to be used for suburban surfaces but could not pull 5 medium coaches! Well these engines lasted until 1963-65. The only reason was because the southern did not put the money in the right places!
  2. Ah yeh I always find that southern as a point on its own is bad luck for building new engines for example the southern in England only produced 400 engines witch for a British company was terrible as the LNEE produced more engines in a year! So engines like the P class an the terriers lasted up to 90 years in SECR,SR an BR books!
  3. Thanks Now for something OO! I would like to get one of those bullied heating vans as they went on branch line quite often SO does anyone hav drawings of the van or can give me the contact (like postal agress) of silver fox.
  4. 495 is a Pecet 0-4-0 saddle tank and is the 51st engine bought or built by the GSR from 1925-1945. It is amazing that they only built that many engines.
  5. Now them how do you make a spray both an will it give of a smell like with a spray can? The reason I am asking is that I would like to improve the quality of the paint jobs on my models. Hope you enjoy and can help me.
  6. Light railways are always nice. If I ever get a OO gauge layout done a model of manor street may apear on this form
  7. WOW! The W&T engine looks lovely.Someone on this form (if you have the space) should make a model of manor station in the 20s as it had Arica collection of small tank engines
  8. Lovely stuff
  9. Forgot
  10. Now for something ORANGE! A long time back (well it feels long) I was working on a orange DSER carriage in CIE livery from the 60s. Now after a bit of work on the C (which I will come to later) I have pt the first coat of orange on it. The coat is not perfect but when the black and white is on it it should look class.here is a pic Now to the C class with the white metal I got a few days ago I am going to build the inside frame of the engine. The frames will then connect the cab and the cab will the hold the boiler (kind of) in place For this I will need some kit so I am going to use a peircing saw as I find it is the best opption. So tomorrow the final designs for the frames will be made up. In the pic it show on piece (the peice that will make up the frames) is on the wheel spacing drawing which show the distance from each wheel. Hope you all like. MM!
  11. I wonder if he is still alive? One of Frys engines must be there sure of it. First time I went there I must of counted 8-9 4-6-0s and about 4 of them look like a 800 class.
  12. Forgot the classes name but they are DSER 0-6-2 and were used on the bray line
  13. Seen the NCC one in the library but it is on a list of protected books. and can not be taken out.
  14. Locos of the GSR is one book I can never find it and the prices on eBay are crazy. I will probaly find it at the next show or something. But for now the stuff I have is what is going to be used. IRRS booklets are great with rare pictures and great info.
  15. Two questions 1. What happened to frustrating original layout?(not the castle one) 2. Is the Inchicore model in Cultra made by Drew Donaldson? You were saying that fry built engines for Donaldson It may be frys 0-6-2 tank engine as it is in green
  16. Really I was in a book shop in Dublin and was going to buy that book but bought Irish steam I the 1960s.
  17. Now here is my workbench. As one of the younger modelers on this form I am more or less a newbie. I have been modeling for about five years now but have only started learning techneiques about a year ago. The table on whitch the bench is housed is about 6ft and is hafted to have one side modeling the other for work purposes. If you are wondering what the mirror is for it is a short story. The house was used the band The hillbilly a and the room for my workbench was a guest room equated with a sink and mirror. Beside the workbench is my collection of days gone cars they are basically rip offs of dinky but there in better and where made in England. The compony made 3 series before going belly up. There is also on the self more space for books. Now on to the small collection of books I have. Most of the stuff here is because I have a interest in that subject. There is also non.railway books but are there as I like different subject in history. That is about 2 years of collecting. Some books are great like LMS 150 an Rail through the Achill. While very few are a bit bad. And last is the the files and it is what it says FILES! As you can sea the is no layout but soon there will be so I can start working on train formations whitch is fun researching. The formations will include J15s 186,184( In the livery it Carried from Broadstone to Palace east Via Borris) and 131 (the J15) The may be a C or a G class but I am not a fan of diesels. Hope you all like and stay safe in the dangerous time. MM
  18. I think a brake van would be more useful than a beet wagon plus a I find a kit is way more fun to build than buying a model and just putting it on the track.
  19. Midland Man

    NIR 621

    Is there a NCC railscar at whitehead?
  20. Midland Man

    NIR 621

    Looks like the NCC railcar
  21. I use to live in Dublin in house like that reminded me of it so bad. Keep it going.
  22. Grand if expensive I would not do it
  23. 2MM! I believe it is a JMdesign so if he could do it in 2mm I wonder If he could do it in 7mm do he have a website?
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