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Everything posted by snapper

  1. Your best bet would be to keep an eye on the RPSI website or if you get a RPSI membership then you will get a email newsletter about everything that is going on.
  2. The osi map viewer is pretty good, http://maps.osi.ie/publicviewer/#V1,594711,772008,1,10 Select historic 25 on the right and zoom in. I find it easier to navigate in the normal map view to where I want to see and then change to the historic 25.
  3. That picture has a strong blue tint (look at the grass) which may be masking a light lime green, I think this might be truer but its hard to tell without looking at the original
  4. Is the picture online, I would love to look at it.
  5. Movement in the yards is controlled by the shunters who gives instructions to the drivers. The shunters set the points manually and control the movements of the trains either via hand signals or via a shunters radio to the driver. Movements into and out of the yard would be coordinated by CTC and the shunter.
  6. Correct, and there is still a filler on the top of the tender for use with water towers
  7. Thats a great pic, thanks. A bit uglier than I thought it would be.
  8. Would anybody know of any source online where I could see pictures of Portarlington Signal Box back in the days of semaphore, or failing that any good books that have one. Thanks Snapper
  9. any chance this is it, I know its not an A class but its in the style you are talking about and the period covered fits http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/From-CIE-IR-Mark-Darby/9780711034761?b=-3&t=-20#Fulldescription-20
  10. Irish Metro vick diesels by Barry Carse? http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/Irish-Metro-Vick-Diesels-Barry-Carse/9781898392156
  11. very nice
  12. Correct it was through this gate at the factory, https://www.google.com/maps/
  13. http://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/we-know-who-you-are-irish-rail-tweets-driver-who-hit-bridge-1.1599850
  14. SANTA SPECIAL All Santa Special train tickets are now sold out - Belfast, Dublin and Portadown!
  15. Sale agreed
  16. €7 each including postage Aspects of Modeling, Railway Electrics. Ian Morton ISBN: 9780711033436 Aspects of Modelling, Digital Command Control, 2nd Edition, Ian Morton ISBN:9780711034990
  17. All trains (Dublin), steam and diesel, are now sold out. Ticket allocation and dispatch will be two to three weeks in advance of train date,
  18. http://cgi.ebay.ie/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=121181275322&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:IE:1123
  19. just broad gauge or are you including narrow gauge? in broad gauge, number 495, class M3 0-4-0 standard tank?
  20. well they have listed it in their 2014 network statement. Disused platforms don't seem to be listed except for grand canal dock which is down as not yet available.
  21. Ok here you go. 1. Dundalk Platform 2 at 1185 feet 2. Tralee Bay at 1056 feet 3. Limerick Junction at 1044 feet 4. Killarney at 1002 feet. The shortest is Roscrea loop platform at 225 feet.
  22. For once its not a railway bridge
  23. What is the shortest platform on the Dublin to Cork line? Heuston Platform #1 (Bay platform in Cork would possibly be shorter but doesn't serve the Dublin line) Correct, although bay 3 in cork is two feet shorter What is the shortest platform on the network? Birdhill, getting close, Birdhill is 15 feet longer What is the longest single platform on the network? Waterford P3+4 Combined would be the longest physical (1218 feet) but I was looking for the longest single, ie with only one platform number
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