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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. There is a photo deep in my camera roll of a 121 driving bonnet first with 20 odd bullieds in tow. I think there was 2 brakevans, almost certainly one of these test trains
  2. I have a full set for one of these, waiting for somone to want to get into modeling for the first time and then sell it to them…..not much use to many of us other then an experiment like yourself (which went extrodinarily well might I add)
  3. Fairly sure that’s all private property but Mike above advertises lineside photography opertunities, so I’d leave it up to them
  4. We had a good discussion about this on one of the zooms hosted by @Niles. Possibly once was going to become a short term fix….. I for one hope 186 is put on the mainline again Back on topic, some 6 year old photos of the halfway lot. I think the loco was repainted before it was moved
  5. The Ramble inn never owned any of that stuff, just holding onto it. And the insurance cost was not worth keeping it on its present site. As for the 6 wheeler, I happen to have gotten one of the only photos of it being moved from halfway to its present site, including one of it passing my house which is deffinetly a wierd one for me living out the middle of nowhere! He wants to keep it private as I hear there has possibly been some looting going on…very much fair enough the brakevan….well at least I think this is the same brakevan has been moved to different location, currently attached to a cement bubble…. But in all honestly I cannot verify is this is the same brakevan no idea where the bus went, something I could ask Alan barry next time I’m out there.
  6. Some of the other locomotives seem to have been in lined green livery but I’m not actually sure about no.3 herself I wonder if this is any bit like em
  7. There going at speed too! the detail demonstrated in this video makes me giddy for the Irish ones….even if there over a year out at least
  8. And with 4 wheels…..
  9. There is an article in the July 61’ IRRS journal, and there is one one one of the “mechanno” magazines them trams were supposed to be far to underpowered for the work they were intended to do
  10. Couldn’t help but notice that somhow a Turkish steak chef had got his hands on a deltic…..
  11. All depends on how successful this first run is….besides there is plenty of running numbers in the pre-55 green already.
  12. I got one of these for Christmas and was wondering what it was…thanks to all in this thread who helped identify it for me
  13. Did you get these off brendan? Very nice, he is very good at making them them
  14. Ever since we got the announcement of new modes, the value of these have been slowly levelling off….
  15. My 8th birthday I asked for a virgin pendino and got the “eastern Valley Express” pack from hornby. The coaches from that set have since been repainted and the loco all but scrapped. But there was no going back from then
  16. From Facebook Bandon tank nearly sorted. A big thank you to Cathal Deasy for loaner body. External body done on 3d print. Internal nearly sorted and should be printing bandon tanks in January 2023. I used terrier chassis with bogey from a hornby loco. It runs like a clock so I'm very happy with it. -Mark Dunlea
  17. Down the bottom of the IRM website there is a MANUFACTURER’S section. I think really what we’re asking for is this to be expanded to every type of manufacturer
  18. I would hold off on ordering from silverfox as they usually only produced Irish models in august to October….I have a feeling in the next 12 months we may have something even better then the silver fox bogeys
  19. Currently also on the radar for those willing is mark Dunlea’s Bandon which is still in development as we speak. The chassis set up he has is not optimum though, the terrier looks tiny under the massive bandon tank
  20. who let Bullied near the narrow gauge engines
  21. Can I ask how long these magazines ran for?
  22. Besides the phone number is there so you can drop him a text he says he will go through the stuff individually there, that’ll be a good job for people looking for specifics like me
  23. No URL….it’s in the comment section of a post. It won’t let me share the URL for some reason
  24. Upon closer reading, Colm Creedon found that 3 Coaches and a Tin Van were painted there on the 14th of January 1963. As for why they were being painted there I don’t know, it might necessitate diving into the archive of his work to find an awnser. At least until the end of January 1963 the works was still in use
  25. Most of them are on my list….weather that be in 00 or 0 gauge
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