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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. Due to a lack of tracks. The sperry can’t continue to youghal so for now 085 will pick it up from here
  2. While gricing this morning I had the news confirmed that this is the last Ever Sperry train. After it’s trip around the commuter lines in cork, it will head north to mallow for the night before completing its final ever journey from mallow to portlaoise. farewell the sperry road! 221 takes the sperry back to cork 085 heading back to cork light
  3. It’s easier to see here but there is a 2nd pinstripe too. Although the livery is so shiny now it just looks like a reflection
  4. Midleton and cobh tommorow and I think back up to mallow then (I think). But its in cork parked there all night until sometime tommorow No just the GSV. As to why it’s in this colour is bit of a mystery.
  5. Yea it’s now pink purple with not one….but two YELLA lines on the side its due in cork today and tommorow so I must catch a glimpse of it before the sperry goes
  6. The macroom bypass is going to make that border a bit softer If your going to cork model shows….however I suspect when Kerry play in pairc ui chaoimh….that’s when Cork Coco will do roadworks on it
  7. Yes the one Irish rail had is cream crackered. So the RPSI lent there one back to Irish Rail
  8. I remember first seeing lough Erne and being gobsmacked that it had survived into preservation (back when I hadn’t a clue what was preserved and what wasn’t so I just went to all the meuseum instead of looking on the web) Every person I’ve met with a bit of experience with heritage railways has called it unphesable. Unless we get a much longer heritage line (unlikely) then the ones we have now. It’s probably destined for static display. Like 184 is now
  9. As always, photographs make it much easier for any appraisal of goods like this
  10. If we did a nationwide rollout of 1500dc….and waited 20 years time to change it. It would have been almost as hard to change the gauge of track!
  11. I suppose that could also become the nee theory. That would mean electrifying the cork area. are we sticking with 1500 DC or switching does anyone know? That could be another reason the additional darts were ordered
  12. It apears the post man was not to kind to the 201s due for cork. As yet another 201 has been reported pretty seriously broken. Once again 230 burst through its box and r the front from the buffer beam down ( and some bogey detail missing)…..good bit of damage done unfortunately
  13. 611111111 is how much it will cost to fix it
  14. There is an awful lot of calls asking for a new build J26 but WHO is gonna pay for that. And something I’ve learned with the mark 2 situation is not all coaches are equal in the eyes of the mechanic. Most suggesting a 6 wheeler would be easier to restore!
  15. Fair enough, although I suppose that’s bad news for 6111 (I guess I’ll have to drive up the downpatrick every weekend personally for that one )
  16. One thing is for sure….you possibly would have had a very large pool of spares Dundrum would have been some distance and that sounds like…quite a steep gradient. The little G class would have no chance Where was the SLNCR railcar that time?
  17. Humbrol don’t really tell anyone about the cancer causing agent in there paint until the new EU rule came in and suddenly stopped it. Even marks models were supprised to find they were given little notice that they couldn’t sell it anymore… cosches look deadly. Particularly in Green
  18. Do you know the story JHB or is that something you need a few pints in you to explain first I do not mind them so much at all. I was never a fan of the recently gone “claas” green and blue. Obviously the orange livery is the most fun…Albiet unsafe for modern standerds
  19. The theory at the moment is that when the new darts land (2026)…..the 29ks will be sent to cork to work this new service. I don’t think it will mean the end of the road for the 2600 class though
  20. Recent photos suggest this model could have a chassis built in. in which case. I’d almost be tempted to cancel my hattons pre order!
  21. even a dunce like me who uses nothing more then reverse tweezers and a sink tap full of moderately warm tap water can use em
  22. Might be a good zoom to discuss the viability of any railway into the future
  23. My marks models receipt from the time says €120 I think….must investigate that one
  24. Stradbally is one stop from portlaoise. On one of the bus services. So take the train to portlaoise from Dublin or cork
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