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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. I think the last car was shipped out of cork by rail in 1967
  2. As far as I know there in the market for buying, not selling
  3. When growing up. My nostalgia for railways came from Park Royal’s too. Although probobly not the same as the rest of you guys who actually got to use them in service in 1994, 2 Park Royal’s landed at west cork model village. They were subsequently painted in green and paired with CSE mallow number 1 or 2 Ruston locomotive (I can’t remember) which came from the GSRPS at fenit. It’s sister from halfway Co.cork with a bullied wagon, CIE brake and WLWR coach.
  4. They are the old RPSI heritage set. Last moved in around 2016. 2 of them have been repainted and as seen earlier in this thread, one has been delivered
  5. There might be one 141 left but tis fit for scrap (all crucial parts preserved) most of the 2700 class, a few broken darts and a few 201s. there is not to many diesel locomotives to go around at the moment!
  6. I believe the RPSI actually need those, whereas these were surplus to requirements. they do have at least 1 locomotive, CSE Mallow number 1 or 2.
  7. For a school project once I had made a kinsale junction layout using nothing but stuff like this. Twas all binned after which is a shame
  8. Have a good time @Georgeconna if you asked a neutral to go to a look at model trains or go look at a MIG 15 I think I know what they would choose….
  9. Chris Larkin will be at ballincollig house hotel and Upton steam rally for book signings on respective dates to Co-incide with the 2nd run of books hitting the shelves.
  10. I suppose IRMs Park Royal’s would be too small for that laminate!
  11. My eyesite may be wrong but I’d swear there is 3 laminates and only 1 Park Royal’s in that train
  12. Just a reminder. Cork model swap meet will be on in under a months time. General admission is free! it looks like there will be no Camden fort model show this year, due to politics for even opening the fort to visitors never mind the show. so the swap meet may be the premiere railway exhibition in the rebel county There think there is a few tables left so it may be worth sending a PM if interested. Last year most people sold most of what they had on sale, some sold 100 percent! So a tenner for the table is probobly good value I don’t know about the other contestants but I do know Chris Larkin with have a few copies of the new 2nd edition of his book and I will be there selling a few bits of memorabilia, models and books. So if ye have free time Sunday 28th of May, or a few models to get rid of. head down to the oriel house Ballincollig for this years swap meet One of the 3 rooms last year.
  13. some shots from Wexford of Owens N gauge MGWR coaches on “stove R” RTR 6 wheel chassis….if you could paint an Eau de nil line you could have a CIE train made up for very cheap relitivly speaking
  14. Must find out which Park Royal’s are preserved. 1944 in downpatrick 1419 & 1383 CURRENTLY in Inchicore (subject to change though methinks) 2 In Clonakilty (don’t know the numbers)
  15. A gran truismo track in tenerife would be great because there is a massive ring road going around the whole island, and the taxi drivers certainly drive like it’s ”need for speed” anyway!
  16. While many were looking at 3d prints of par royals and ICR’s (understandably) owens bandon, along with some of his other items were on display Including mark dunlea showing off owens Chetwynd viaduct kit
  17. All talk about the Lovley Park Royal’s we are getting but not much about the 22k 3d prints on display many chance IRM could bring to the cork model swap meet so I can have a look
  18. I think the last time there was a loco hauled weed train was sometime around the start of covid. Around the same time the last IE BR gen van was withdrawn. Still awaiting scrap I understand
  19. In truth, I have known about these for well over 6 months at this stage. And for every single announcement I have been guessing it would be these to come out shamelessly!!! glad that my torture of waiting for the official announcement is finnally here! The green in the previews looks pretty spot on to. You can release the lines green A class you have been holding on to in the warehouse now
  20. I am forever tempted to buy the special edition Mag when I realised that Joe was the fella who wrote “last mag” on the back I can’t justify another 3 in any world. I’d have to buy an orange A class for that then
  21. Dickie taras are going up in value to be fair…
  22. Something for N gauge fans too. Possibly an entire train made up by Owen! in the backround you can spot a chassis Owen has been working on too. But to see more ye will have to go to Wexford
  23. Looking forward to seeing those other CIE coaches in the flesh too!
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