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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. The new ones have new features. I know for sure they have Pre-fited speakers!!!
  2. The postage costs more then the starting bid on some of these still kicking myself I didn’t pick up those RTR dapol wagons converted to GNR. They’dve ran on the west cork as I’m after learning!
  3. They are currently going down but I believe they will stagnate if not increase due to people not knowing the difference between the old and new variants!!!!
  4. I can’t remember but I think @Nileshad info on these coaches. I think as you say, there gone now.
  5. Looks really solid guys! another step closer to J26…hell of the chassis so low enough it could make a good bandon chassis for me!
  6. I think it’s no problem
  7. What a rotten coach…must be scrapped now Has a pair of reading glasses been purchased since?!
  8. A debate that occurs doe at the cork branch often is should money have been put into the 400 and 500 classes instead of building the 800s
  9. New smoke box door and get ride of the outside cylinders… presumably a model of that has not been made cause if it was… The dark green hattons coaches would be almost perfect I would say a 101 too. They worked till the end of steam in Ireland….and beyond
  10. At the very least the cab would need to be completely replaced on an English loco!
  11. you also had these ones which were class if you could get them
  12. I don’t think so? Didn’t a Jeep do the enterprise at one about 10 years later then this or am I remembering it wrong
  13. Aye you could convert a 2600 from something english (hell a 2700 exists RTR from Bachmann) but an ICR is unlike anything in the UK as far as I can see, it would be very hard to scratchbuild. plus they have unlimited route abalibility. I think only places like ballina, and maybe the ballybrophy line have have not had a 22k yet. Middleton and cobh lines have got 1 or 2 on railtours. these are very much the face of Irish rail outside the cork and northern mainline for the most part (and even then ICR’s can be found on them) I love the 2600, the best of the 2nd generation of DMU’s. But there not really as well travelled. And in 2022 they barley leave cork and never leave Munster. actually a good article on them here recently. I love the new livery but the as deleived orange with points logo is probobly the nicest https://www.tailtetours.com/post/the-2600-class-the-railcars-that-keep-on-going
  14. Aah I can see it now“The Irish railway modeller” railtour. An ICR journey from Dublin to killarney….then the premiere take place at the great southern hotel. I’ll pack my coat
  15. Convincing me to leave my native cork to go to these model shows….hopefully I won’t end up buying them !
  16. It’s it’s dark or any shadow. It’s the same colour as it was before the repaint….but put any bit of light there and its back to the purple. however it has not been out of the paint shops that long (the door handles have not been painted yet for instance) so it’s possibly going to cure as some above have suggested
  17. Question. Will there be a prolonged stop at Tipperary? Or just 1 minute or something along those lines
  18. Honestly after being around it in person for 3 days I have gotten used to how it looks. I think it will possibly get better as time goes on
  19. Back on the sperry talk. It looks as though the sperry will stick to its original timtable today with extended stops at Limerick JCT, Thurlus and ballybrophy
  20. If your counting the DCDR sugar puffs. The 4 preserved EX-CSE Ruston 88DS should count too There WAS 2 preserved hunslet locos
  21. There is an awful lot of Ruston 88DS locos still around. I count 4 141s
  22. It’s all up in the air now cause the sperry never made it to mallow today! It’s still in cork
  23. Infairness it’s not everyday you see a 1950s coach working mainline duty. That’s like a 6 wheeler from the 1880s work In 1960s The only loco hauled trains coming down to Middleton and cobh now are the track trains, hobs and maybe a railtour if passing loops are installed/ multiple engines like the sperry All those trains will be VERY occasional
  24. Due to a lack of tracks. The sperry can’t continue to youghal so for now 085 will pick it up from here
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