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Everything posted by ttc0169

  1. ttc0169

    Old news

    On the exit of the train are depot-blocking in several ICRs that were due to go to Dublin for evening services Check out the rail safety commission website, It has more detailed information on the accident, and exactly where it happened....
  2. ttc0169

    Old news

    Set 33 was involved in the underfloor fire in coach 22633 last September 2011 near Athenry-and has only recently entered traffic with a refurbished First class, Check out the Wanderers website for details etc.
  3. Best of luck with your new site, Lots of interesting and useful models, I'll be in touch in the future....after I get my hands on an 071/112 loco.
  4. Great work so far Stephen-look forward to more in the future.
  5. ttc0169

    Old news

  6. Thanks again lads-Now that i've got the hang of uploading videos.here is another featuring my ICR, a Mk4 pushed by 209,a Mk2 in the"Galway"livery hauled by 221 and 181+156 hauling a Supertrain liveried Mk3 set.... [video=youtube_share;uBwyOL2dlMo]
  7. Excellent work there Eamonn-well done/
  8. ttc0169


  9. [video=youtube_share;lfmq8SI2XeM] Many thanks Gentlemen for your comments, Baby GM-all of the workers are from the Bachmann Scenecraft range, Lads,I've finally managed to upload some videos of the layout to Youtube-(if the above link doesn't work.then type in"Trains on Tara Junction"on youtube and see what you think..
  10. Welcome to the site Hunslet 102,thanks for your comments about Tara Junction, Your own layout is impressive-a nice era and lots of interesting locos and rolling stock,please post more pictures of the layout on here if possible, I also like the backs of the terraced houses-and Adelade freight yard looks great with the containers,cement and fertliser wagons, Keep up the good work.
  11. The Sperry train is in Mayo today, I managed to get it at a few locations in the County... here are a few photos of it in Claremorris, All photos were taken with prior permission given and a valid PTS cert. 079 has propelled the Sperry train into the siding at Claremorris to allow 226 on the IWT liner to overtake and an ICR to pass also One side of the Sperry wagon. And the other side-the monitoring/measuring equipment is located in front of the bogie of the wagon.
  12. It was a great day at Dun Laoghaire yesterday, Anyone who can should head there today, It was a pleasure meeting up with Anthony,Fran and Paul R along with many others, Highlight for me of course was the 071/112 at Paddy Murphy's stand,Paddy being his usual helpful and courteous gentleman that he is, Layouts were top class-Dorset Jctn being my favourite, Well done to all concerned-roll on October....
  13. I thought this thread was about Bedford school buses????
  14. No green paint left I'm afraid.....cutbacks at the local council....!!!!
  15. Well worth investing in when these School buses are re-released, I was lucky the first time around... Here are a few on mine on my layout-ideal for any Irish 1970s-1990s themed layout.... Long version-plated front Short version-original front,small windscreen Short version-original front,large windscreen, Near bus has original front with large windscreen.
  16. Evening all, I had a spare set of Lima Mk2 coaches left on a siding on the layout,so I decided to repaint them into CIE Supertrain livery,three coaches were shunted from the paint shop earlier by the RPSI loco B141 and left for inspection by the works manager on road no'2 beside the carriage valeting plant, Super standard coaches 5101 and 5102. 5101. Composite coach 5151 being examined by the works manager, Still in the paint shop are another standard coach,a dining coach and an EGV. Minor finishing work and transfers have still to be applied......with out road trials after that.
  17. Irish models have certainly came a long way since the CIE liveried Hymek and Class 33,and of course the Slainte express.... We had the Lima 201s 11 years ago...what can we expect in the next 5-10 years????? Thank you to Paddy Murphy for upgrading the Irish model scene.
  18. Something like this.... An ex works 082 at Heuston Stn taken in May 1989.
  19. Great info there,thanks hg for sharing that, 161 was the first loco that I got a spin in from Ballina-Claremorris and back in 1988,a great day, Thanks Sulzer201 for your comments.
  20. That question may never be answered........!!!!!!!
  21. Good info there Garfield which makes sense....the only modification IE can do to the autos is bring back the machinery truck wagons add air brakes-couple them to the rear of the autos-and put a machine on them to spread the ballast-problem solved....!!!!!!
  22. A sound fitted and slightly weathered Super-train liveried 071 will be top of my list along with an IE orange/IR version and of course 112,and maybe later a black and silver 071-I'll make up my mind when I see the photos of that livery. A 121 working in multiple with a 141 on my fertliser or ammonia trains would be the icing on the cake for me in the future along with a Super-train liveried highly detailed 001 class-(I hope your reading this Mr Murphy)......
  23. According to a good and reliable friend-Division 42 was the name given to a per-way gang that was involved in the relaying and upgrading of the Belfast-Dublin route during the 1990s-a ballast train was allocated to the route for the duration of the work and a few wagons had the Div 42 wrote on the side so that the train wouldn't stray too far away from the route, Thanks T for the info,there will be a few pints paid for you when we meet up in a few weeks time.
  24. The IWT liner is operating tomorrow,226 will have the CPWs from Ballina.
  25. Colm always has top class work-both in pictures and videos,a gentleman, He has an excellent early morning photo of 082 on an engineers train at Killiney in the August edition of Rail Express magazine.
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