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Everything posted by ttc0169

  1. A new arrival on Ashburton grove is this limited edition large logo class 50- 50049 locomotive. Always liked the large logo livery on the 50s.
  2. A chance enquiry at the Heljan stand at Model rail Scotland last weekend about a possible rerun of the oil tank wagons led to the gentleman opening a drawer and producing four tankers-needless to say I was delighted and a purchase was made….
  3. Gen vans had B5s-coaches had B4s
  4. Looks well Derek
  5. Likewise Raymond…see you at the NEC
  6. Hi Derek Thanks for taking the time to view all of the pages….the layout on page one was constructed back in 2006…and was a learning curve for me…a subsequent marriage and house move meant that Tara junction no1 was scrapped and the mistakes learned from it were corrected and the present layout was built during 2014/15, I did take photos of the layout back then and they were posted to a former railway modeller forum now non existent from what I can see.
  7. Found another MIR two axle wagon kit and finished it off as an ex works barrier wagon for the rear of the oil train,complete with red tail lamps,coupling and vacuum brake pipe. A short oil wagon transfer trial is seen in Lakeview freight yard behind 018.
  8. ttc0169

    3D prints

    The wagon looks well with the keg cages, Having worked the real Guinness trains back in the day may I ask is there under frame detail ? , e.g brake cylinders and brake gear rigging,the under frame looks very bare without it,see the attached photo for details-otherwise well done Owen-it’s a badly needed wagon for my era of modelling.
  9. Sunday afternoon on Ashburton grove-the farmers are getting busy…..
  10. Added the “No Smoking” window labels to the MM Mk2s earlier-next up will be the fitting of interior lights.
  11. Work continues into 2024 at Maam cross….some 5’3” points have been acquired and the first of those was positioned at the Clifden end of the goods loop,where it will connect with the down main line in due course, The goods store and its adjoining office were cleaned out-work will continue on the roof during this year.
  12. The year is 1989 and we see brand new TE 1 working a service to Sligo,seen here crossing the railway bridge on Tara jctn as 080 passes underneath working a Sligo-Connolly service
  13. Sounds like a 201 sound chip in the 121? What a a re-engined 121 would have sounded like.
  14. That’s the EGV-essential for providing lighting and heating to the set.
  15. You can’t beat a pint of Murphy’s…or a tanker load-thanks to Ray at Die cast models for you in Galway for supplying this lovely model.
  16. The unveiling of a builders plate to celebrate 121 class operation on Tara junction is to take place later this evening….B134 in attendance.
  17. Smoke fitted generators to be fitted too
  18. Locomotives 166 and 073 are seen here at Tara junction MPD,073 receiving fuel,oil and water while 166 is on the lifting jacks minus bogies.
  19. Hi Jason, the sound chip is from Mr Soundguys range-it has a drive hold feature.
  20. A propelling movement is about to take place when 230 passes with the down Enterprise-with the Mk2s-the train guard will use the BTDS 916 the set is being propelled by 208
  21. An “Enterprising” night on Tara junction, 080 works the Belfast-Dublin Connolly Mk2 IR set representing the 1987-1993 era, 208 working a Derry-Dublin Connolly special representing the 1990s period 230 working the Dublin Connolly- Belfast De Dietrich set representing the 1997-present era.
  22. Yes-former Dutch SHVs converted to EGVs-4601,4602 & 4603.
  23. Lovely looking models and having the correct style of lighting is a bonus, Badly needs an EGV to complete the correct formation…..
  24. Thanks Philip….now changed to view
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