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Everything posted by ttc0169

  1. Gents, A reminder to please keep this thread about the Connemara railway project, Thank you.
  2. Well past the wonderbra now Dave…
  3. Love the prototypical formation..
  4. Thanks Jason,I’m very happy with the way the layout has evolved into a late 80s early 90s era -thanks to IRM too
  5. The Yorkshire traction double decker heads over the road bridge en route to the village of Ashburton grove, as the DMU is enroute to Doncaster and a 31 hauled oil train goes in the Leeds direction.
  6. The Dutch van 3165 makes an appearance tagged on the rear of the Park Royal branch set which is being hauled by 048
  7. Having been out of commission for a few months,it was back to some BR blue and grey action this afternoon, I had a custom built steel frame constructed that allows the layout to be rotated and dropped down and moved with ease through the room door, Here are a few photos from operations today.
  8. Home time….the crew return to Lakeview after a hard day of deliveries.
  9. Superb work Philip
  10. 121/141 and 181 class locomotives being prepared for the night shift at the MPD at Tara junction.
  11. 085 on the down liner to Ballina today, 074 on the up liner, 073 on the Ballina-Waterford XPO liner and 075 on the Waterford-Westport empty timber train.
  12. The race is on…… 036 eases ahead of pioneer 001 as 036 works the Sligo-Northwall BELL liner and 001 working the Shelton abbey-Sligo laden Fertliser train.
  13. We have approximately 10-12 members in Cork that drive up to Maam cross whenever there is a work day announced. 236 KLM’s is the distance but it’s no obstacle to the members that do it on a regular basis-and they return the same evening-that’s dedication
  14. When 152+132 were due an exam at the MPD the opportunity was taken to replace them at Tara junction station, When they arrived working the BELL liner it was discovered by locomotive fleet control that the only available option was 071 class locomotive 087, The locomotive was duly dispatched and replaced both small GMs-here we see 087 working the Northwall-North esk BELL liner through the station.
  15. Sunday night at the bus garage we see the school bus fleet being prepared for the week ahead.
  16. The first visit of 2023 to the Maam Cross Connemara Railway Project took place earlier today when a hardy bunch of volunteers braved the weather to get back to work in preparation for what is promised to be an exciting year ahead, Work included the building of work benches and storage areas in the main shed, Preparation of the up Galway platform ahead of resurfacing later in the year, Signal cabin internal lighting and CCTV fitted, My pet project is the refurbishment of ballast plough van 24853, I began today clearing out the debris inside which was associated with the internal fire that took place a few years ago while stored in North wall ,thankfully after advice from some woodwork specialists who were on site,they advise that the damage is not as bad as was thought so internal and external refurbishment will get underway early this year Apologies for the late reply, Yes two coaches will be arriving at the site over the next couple of weeks-with a possible unique vehicle at a later date. There are plans to rebuild the station building-but that’s more of a long term goal. Thanks
  17. Drama on the high street junction when smoke was seen coming from the rear of SE 31-emergency services were quickly on the scene and extinguished what could have been a serious fire….
  18. Happy Christmas to all fellow modellers.
  19. Happy Christmas to all followers of the Tara junction bus fleet.
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