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Riversuir226 last won the day on February 4 2018

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About Riversuir226

  • Birthday 28/05/1980

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    Retail manager

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  1. Riversuir226


  2. That's posh, my lot are getting beans on toast & bread and jam for dessert if their lucky ;). Great offer all the same, I was just about to order 4 for 200 and jumped at the chance to get 8 for 240. Anyone looking for 18 spoil bodies and a wagon load of kegs? It's going to be a bumper xmas this year, with the 121's, ballast bundle and the spoils. Feck it all the late nights were worth it for the last 9 months.... now to avoid the irm site till the end of January
  3. Turntable pit is still there it was covered over post the last trains in 1996 but was filled in years before that. Edo, I've the records from 1960 to 1966, the gaa specials were in 1963 which were the last passenger trains over the Macmine junction line, passengers travelled on the line to Waterford up until the mid 1980's on gaa, river cruise, rpsi, day trips and knock specials. I believe the changes to the track layout and demolition of the second platform took place in the late 1970's and remained the same till recently ie passing loop with a long headshunt at the bridge end. The first bridge on the macmine section was destroyed in the early 1990's which severed the headshunt out to the barrow bridge.
  4. Cool, more time to save for an extra one or two locos . Take your time and get it right first time
  5. Ordered mine last night, looking forward to their arrival. As for the gsv, would love to see one from Irm but I do understand that if the math is wrong for the company I'll have to make do with my scratch built one. Keep it up guys, your doing a great job emptying my wallet on a regular basis. Any news on what's next from irm?
  6. The line was to Summerhill north the old terminus for the Youghal line, there was also another junction on that line to the present station about 100m further up from the existing bridge. The line was in use up until the 1930's having seen its last regular paseenger trains when Glanmire road opened in 1896.
  7. Got my pack the other day, all ive to say is . Is there any chance you'll do another run of them?
  8. Order placed, looking forward to their arrival and got a few ferts to keep me occupied in the meantime.
  9. 20 years of retail management tells me different, there is a market there. Theres a large amount of kit builders in the area, plenty of rail modellers in the area and thats before looking into other model markets. If you add crafts to the product offering then all the better. Nir Waterford may seem like a small place but it has a large catchment area. The key for success in Waterford is location the cbd isnt the best place to be due to access and parking problems.
  10. Theres definetly a market for it in the city and county, plus theres a lot of potential business coming from the surrounding counties. Railway models and model kits would definetly be a viable business.
  11. It's out if use for years
  12. Just a few little bits left to do , really enjoyed the build the only downside was trying to find decent photos of the wagon.
  13. Mir cement bogie approaching the end of its build, built mostly out of the box but changed the bogies and added a few extra details. Used the Phoenix paint for the main body and the rest is humbrol acrylics.
  14. Cheeky bump 8208 still available
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