A long day travelling but it was worth it for such a good show. The launch of the 071 Class was the highlight of the day of course with the creator in full flow demonstrating all the sound chip could do.
He did pass on a warning about this new model; it only fits into the box one way and not to try to do otherwise. He hopes an “Orange 071” MIGHT be here in time for Christmas.
Des was showing off his Sulzer and one was “allowed" to hold it.
Chris Dyer and Dave Bracken had a fantastic stock of Irish models, as well as MM’s, Silver Fox Models and Coaches painted by Anthony provided the bulk of stock. Dave with his baseboards, the Dart model in action, David with his Enterprise coaches in primer coat and of course Glenderg where I had the pleasure of collecting my Navan Station from him. I also saw some of the other models he has displayed on the site and they look even better in reality.
I met up with Ian McNally of ex MIR fame and he was telling me of his progress in building his Portadown Station layout, something he could not do when running MIR.
As for Site Members, I’ll not list them all in case I forget someone, but it was great to see some again and others for the first time.
Here are some pictures of what took my eye at the show.