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Everything posted by derek

  1. SERIOUSLY?!!!!!!!! Wonder how the ol donations are going. If anyone is donating, I could do with three or four 141s and maybe a ball of wagons, (any type- I am not greedy at all) Not tomention a couple of 071s
  2. Hi Jason. What a complete balls up! Look, I think we all know the individual you are speaking about. This isn't the first time I have heard of his shoddy carry on and his f*** you attitude to his customers. " If you don't like it , what are you gonna do about it". How he gets the time of day on here is beyond me. A well liked member of this community got same crap treatment from him as well, and has nothing good to say about him. . I have heard of delays on jobs, but 4 years tears the arse out of it completely. If I have the wrong guy in mind I will hold my hands up, but I doubt it. As the lads say above, take a deep breath and hopefully this won't put you off the hobby for good. Derek.
  3. Thanks lads, just wondering.............
  4. what did they go for when released?
  5. nature doesn't hang around. 4years and the tracks are almost fully hidden (close to the car0
  6. Just seal the boards with a quick coat of primer. Moisture gets everywhere. It won't kill you to do it, but if you don't you might very well regret it- maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life . Also remember the old wise saying about assuming things will be fine- "ASSUMPTION IS THE MOTHER OF ALL F*** *PS"
  7. Tell me this is a silly/ childish question, but does the word "Esso" actually appear anywhere on these tankers. Just asking............
  8. Thanks @Galteemore. What an absolute crying shame.
  9. My God , what A beautiful setting/station that was. Wonder what it looks like today? A shagging greenway I suppose?
  10. Do it all in your own sweet time. You won't enjoy anything if you do it under pressure. This is supposed to be a hobby to be enjoyed and not a job with deadlines. You will get enough of that later in life.
  11. Looking good Patrick. Just wondering how you are going to deal with the grass growing up through the track (and eventually everything else)?
  12. Astounding Kevin. As per. Running out of superlatives at this stage
  13. Thanks for that @Der Rechtsanwalt. Ah, I get it now. So it will pass under Roxboro Road instead of going across Careys Road. And I understand you are just re-posting videos, so please continue to do so. Absolutely love them
  14. Have to say, being from Limerick, I absolutely love this thread. Especially the videos. However , close to the beginning of this one a title comes on screen showing the name "Ardnacrusha". Ardnacrusha is nowhere near this line . As I say, I am loving the videos, but I am being just a little pedantic. Ardnacrusha is in Co. Clare (just). Could I also ask, while I am here- Are there plans to reinstate the long gone bridge on Careys road as part of this project?
  15. Thanks Denis. Remember you saying that the beads of styrofoam get stuck for ever after using them. I thought I had gotten them all but if you look under the bridge in the last photo, you will see I actually didn't get them all. Two little feckers hiding on the bank
  16. Thanks @irishthump. I actually went down that road at the beginning, with bristles. I tried ones from a yard brush and they were way too thick. Probably should have tried some from a paint brush or the like. We live and learn.......
  17. Finally had a go at pouring the water for my river. (did a pond in the town too but that's a story for another day. -No landscaping or anything there yet). Took two boxes of W/S deep pour water- stuff doesn't go far. Made some bullrushes and reeds for along the riverbank. Made the rushes from 0.35mm fishing line, dipped in glue to form a "head", then brown paint. Reeds were just very small rips of green plastic. Stuck them in DAS clay and painted same colour as river bed Then came the moment of truth................
  18. You're fine @Mol_PMB, I was only having a laugh. When I said a couple months ago that there is more to worry about in the world than fractions of millimetres in buffer spacings, my post was removed. Still not sure why. At the time the lads were getting a bit flustered on the subject. Can I just say you are a total mine of information, well done
  19. Oh Jesus! Not buffer spacings again. I'm saying nothing anyway- got into trouble last time.
  20. That took some dismantling I would think. Had you a good reason Noel, or is there a serial Mad Smasher going nuts with a sledge hammer?
  21. No Alan, you don't seem to struggle with weathering, or anything else for that matter. Absolutely love the bridge. Excellent
  22. Welcome to the forum Paul. Looking snazzy there in front of 007. The Hunslets really do seem to have created a spark on here. Where in Limerick did you live? Asking as another Treaty County man.
  23. OH Yes , oh yes, oh yes! Can't wait to see this progress, Alan. I will be watching it like a hawk, so no slacking ha ha. In fairness, you have great headway made already. You will have to begin raiding the Costa again for the stirrers.............. Best of luck with it(layout not stirrers) Derek
  24. Great to see a new posting of a layout, even if the layout itself has been around for a while. Changes things up a bit. Agree with @Patrick Davey- you shouldn't have kept this under your hat Paul. Absolutely love the river- Woodland Scenics water?.
  25. @Adrian, I have just realised that you are the genius behind Depot #8 as well as this. Mother of God man!. Where do you find the time for it all? (or the motivation). I haven't had the drive to go near my layout in a while....
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