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Everything posted by scahalane

  1. Looking good there George, roof looks great. What gloss coat do you use to seal it. I applied Humbrol gloss coat to mine before xmas and its still tacky and that was after 5 mins of stirring it. ( Humbrol never again!!)
  2. Flux capacitor comes to mind!!
  3. This is the kit I got from Silverfox last week. Its very different from yours..no flush glazing and added door details etc. It looks like they're producing two versions or am I going mad!
  4. I ordered the SilverFox kit version and the cast is fairly clean, but that looks very different to mine, are you sure its Silverfox?
  5. If the water had of been flat calm these would look life scale. Great job.
  6. Fine job Noel. I've one built but not painted yet. There a very nice kit.
  7. Ok, I had the pull the trigger on that one...too dam sexy...the fleet is growig steadily!
  8. Wow wow we wow!!!
  9. Did the grain wagons run in Cork or were they specific to certain lines. They look a fab wagon.
  10. Looking Fab, great shots.
  11. I use Hycote plastic primer as my usual spray primer as its stocked at my local car shop. Its much cheaper than Halfords and in my opion just as good. But make sure its the plastic primer as they do a metal one as well that looks similar.
  12. Nice clean modelling Noel.
  13. 3 little beauty's..Thanks for sharing.
  14. I have the Peco Turntable Power Unit, so that's the next stage. Although it looks a little flimsy...we'll see.
  15. I bought a Peco turntable kit a couple of years ago with the hope of converting it to look somewhere in the ballpark of the turntable that was at Kent station Cork. Its very over scaled and a bit toy like but a good starting base for a bit of kit bashing. The Kit! The support girders are the wrong shape so required a bit of chop and paiste. The turnatable well is far too deep so required building up the base. I also had to swop the over size wheels for something closer to the correct scale. I used card to build up the levels, and some old hornby set tract for the runner rails. v Plastic card was used to create a sharper edge and pilliput to fill the gaps Fine modelling plaster was used to build up the levels and create a solid base. Evergreen angle and tube were used to create the hand rails. Fine ballast added. In situe in the next stage of my layout. A bit of weathering.
  16. I've been working in 3d CAD for over 20 years so no probs there.
  17. Nice one...looks easy now
  18. I ordered the kit, much cheaper and 3 weeks as opposed to 6 week lead time. I also ordered extra Pla filament and their own brand of Prusament PETG. I agree the finish looks very rough. But I want to jump in there and get started. There only getting better and the future is in that direction.
  19. Just bit the bullet and ordered the Prusa MK3S. Couldn't justify the price of the Ultimaker just starting off. I can't wait to see how it performs. Thanks for all the help and advise.
  20. That's a cracker George, good size as well. Off down to Atlantic Pond when restrictions lift to lauch her!! I got my mind on doing the Cork dredger 'The Ringacoltig' at some stage but very much on the very long finger.
  21. Seemed to have missed this thread somehow. Great job on the design and prints.
  22. Mainly buildings, perhaps the odd loco. Can't bare the thought of building this with evergreen bits and bobs!!!
  23. Thanks for all the replies lads lots of food for thought. The quality of the resin finish looks great Richie, but probably too small and brittle for what I want. Although for smaller detailed parts could be worth it. The finish quality from the Prusa looks pretty good given its price range. I was looking at the Ultimaker 5S which can handle the volume I'm looking for but with a hefty price tag. I wonder is there's much difference in quality between that and the Prusa.
  24. Do you have some close up photo's of the print quality. Nice price as well.
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