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Everything posted by irishrailways52

  1. if they do steam it will be interesting to see if they do some sort of steem genorator
  2. im nearly too afraid to mention eny other remainder of cement railway history in case i give it bad luck
  3. hopefuly they will keep the one in waterford
  4. indeed the darts could do with toilets. i just hope that ryanairs idea is implemented on our railway system
  5. thanks for the verification. I just realised that my mistake could have been that I was there on a Sunday
  6. very interesting stuff. in one way i do wonder how they will create something as good as the current service with railcars. a lot of the enterprises attractiveness comes from the great smooth ride. of cores with something electric you wont have to worry about the vibrations that you get on an ICR
  7. thanks very much. just checking is the bridge in Landsborough over the Shannon still operational. I visited there a few weeks ago and nothing came by.
  8. great photographs. thanks for the imformation.
  9. just wondering where this is and if its still opperating
  10. https://www.meathchronicle.ie/2023/09/25/irish-rail-advertise-for-consultants-to-commence-navan-rail-line-project/?fbclid=IwAR364tpT78fTrLpyvB65Ou71v2qC2MDeoZVO_vNxXeDyH6bsaRO9E5VZ2og
  11. the Michael Portillo one showed part of the shunt
  12. back a few years ago i filmed some of the shunting form the motorway bridge co ordinates: 53.651016, -6.704064 just wondering if you have anymore detail on the potential return of the flow.
  13. I have not seen that one in a long time
  14. sure its only a bit of mud anyway. ok maby "a bit" is inaccurate
  15. whilst electrification definitely is the long term answer it will take years to electrify the railways. just look at the replacement of semaphores. light signals where a thing in Ireland long before diesel and we still have some semaphores in operation.
  16. cant wait to see how it turns out
  17. does the track have AI intelligence yet?
  18. nothing will ever beat the GPS in a new holland though
  19. great work. fantastic to see.
  20. superb work. just wondering if there are any days this year when it will be open for public running
  21. amazing job. the detail is outstanding.
  22. thanks for the advice. unfortunately I do not have two people to operate a microphone. the idea about having a separate microphone is a verry good one though. the current one is internal
  23. just spotted this. id say it will sell out fast https://www.steamtrainsireland.com/whats-on/25/liffey-leesider Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd October 2023 This is a special 2 day diesel railtour that we have been working hard on behind the scenes to bring to you. Join us on board from Dublin Connolly on Saturday morning, where we will head to the DART terminus station of Howth, which is very rare for a loco hauled train. We return through the Dublin suburbs to Connolly. We then depart for Connolly to the South of Ireland picking up at Portarlington. We call at Limerick Junction and then head across to Clonmel. At Clonmel, you will have time for a break and to admire one of the last semaphore signaling locations in Ireland. We then race across to Limerick for a change of locomotive and then proceed to Cork, our stop for the night. Sunday morning will see us take in the Cork suburban lines, firstly out to Cobh and then out to Midleton, with the Cork standby locomotive bringing us back into Cork each time. A lunchtime departure out of Cork and up the mainline to Dublin with a stop in Thurles and Portarlington for set down and into Dublin Connolly. It doesn't end there. We will recreate another journey from the past and a Northern Commuter run out to Drogheda, run around and then back into Connolly to finish our epic 2-day tour. As with previous diesel railtours this one is sure to be very popular and will sell out quickly so don't delay, and get your booking in as soon as possible. The train will be made up of our Cravens coaching stock complete with usual facilities of snack car serving a variety of hot and cold items throughout the day alongside our renowned bar car with draught and craft beer available all day.
  24. picture this. you are traveling behind 073. you are thinking to yourself this sounds great however when you go home and look at the footage the sound of wind renders the sound useless. I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a way of dealing with this issue. I have seen some people using this sort of a microphone on there cameras and was wondering if anyone hear has experience with these and do they work in reducing the wind sound whilst preserving the sound of an 071 in notch 8. thanks
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