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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. Has anyone else had this problem, the inbox list shows a message but when you open there is nothing there? Stephen
  2. I made the final comment - Shame I don't know how to make the link live - based upon how it looked before posting, not quite how I expected it to be. Still, it worked. Stephen
  3. No, this one. Shame I don't know how to make the link live. Stephen
  4. if you search online for Ballina branch train you will find a photo comprising 127, one of the 1952/1954 build CKs (still with 1st class branding), one of the 1958 build SOs and a four wheel van, or is it the Ballina to Lmerick train? Stephen
  5. Is the card kit of the 141/181 from the Alphapraphix range? Stephen
  6. Kernow Model Centre in Cornwall are advertising both 111 and 8113 at present, although they tend to be on the pricey side. Other than that it will be a case of googling, looking on ebay, etc. Stephen
  7. MM142 now has a home to go to - only MM161 left looking for a home. Step[hen
  8. Are they for sale or for your own use? Stephen
  9. I've just been looking at the Roger Joanes collection, and in it is a photo of the last Rosslare to Cork boat train on March 1967. It has nine bogie coaches plus 4w van, yes nine bogie coaches plus 4w van. CIE really did want to shut the Mallow to Waterford line! Stephen
  10. Just for a minute I thought that Iain Rice was on the forum - lovely bit of design. Stephen
  11. Three down, two to go - MM142 and 161. Would be interested in exchanging for any of the IR baby GMs, namely MM143, 156, 183 and 192, if anyone is interested. Stephen
  12. So, is MM's rendition of the Craven 1st class correct in having seats and windows aligned? Stephen
  13. His QWERTY keyboard must be different to mine. Stephen
  14. Interesting about the windows. In the UK it was the standard class passengers who didn't have windows and seats lining up in the mk3's. Stephen
  15. Murphy models produced a model of the first class Cravens - obviously it utilises the same body shell as the others. Stephen
  16. I have a number of Baby GMs in Super Train livery for sale, 142, 161 and 182. £100 each including p&p. They are unused apart from being tested. Many thanks. Stephen
  17. I believe that the spray coach was converted from the CIE design composite coach, the first series when they were on 61' 6" chassis with a 4F/3S layout, as opposed to the CIE build of the Bredin design on a 60' chassis with a 3F/4S layout. The preserved coach at Dundsandle is one of CIE design series. Stephen
  18. The video shows three containers, one slightly taller than the other two. Also, looking closely at the photos posted above, the arrangement of the consist seems to be different in each case. Nevertheless, a very interesting prototype. At some point in his workshop, Glenderg goes through making the spray coach from an old Triang coach for WRENNEIRE. The end result is very good. However, above he refers to etched overlays - where can we get these from, please? Stephen
  19. I knew that Waterford was being rationalised but this is even worse than I had been lead to believe. Suffice to say very little is left. Is this temporary due to the rock fall or is it permanent? Stephen
  20. Maybe it was because Mallow viaduct had been blown up and the North Kerry line was the only way to get to the likes of Tralee, Killarney and Cork. Stephen
  21. Just checked on Wikipedia - the CIE symbol is the correct way round so the photo isn't back to front. Stephen
  22. I did wonder that - isn't the CIE symbol on the tender facing the wrong way? Stephen
  23. I've looked again at this last photo and compared it with the OSI plan of the station. I now believe that the loco is standing on the Ballina branch loop at the Ballina end of the island platform. Stephen
  24. There are seven photos of Manulla Junction in the O'Dea collection. Six of them are different views of the station but I'm having trouble with the seventh which carries the description "end of platform and bridge". For the life of me I can't place it. Can anyone help, please? Stephen
  25. What a difference your changes have made. Stephen
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