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Everything posted by Tarabuses

  1. He is perfectly entitled to make that decision and continue to finance his own business as before. However, if he gave a commitment to produce the 121 then I don't think the crowd should encourage another manufacturer to do it. There are plenty of other projects for the crowd to finance.
  2. I would be happy to prepay Murphy Models but I'm not sure what other manufacturer(s) I would trust with my money. Even with Paddy, would this cut out the model shops? Steam locos would be my preferred option after the 121s, which I hope are on their way - GSR 461 or GNR 171 maybe?
  3. You have done a great job on those. It is not often that we see a weathered bus model.
  4. An interesting model http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-CIE-Flying-Snail-TPO-/251710078412?ssPageName=ADME:SS:SS:GB:3160
  5. Is there a bigger northside school that could be approached?
  6. It was a great show as usual but is it outgrowing the Raheny venue? Space was very tight due to the number of visitors, especially where Jim Poots and George Heaney were trying to deliver pre ordered bus kits! The exhibition must nearly be as popular now as it was in RDS days
  7. I'll probably be there on Saturday but if not it will be Sunday. I have to see George Heaney.
  8. Thanks for the update, Nigel.
  9. Did they?
  10. Yes, but surely the ones in the shops are sold from Paddy's point of view. Has he many 201s still on hand himself?
  11. Only if someone is foolish enough to pay excess prices.
  12. I'm not sure that both descriptions are entirely the same.
  13. Woolies surely? I did put a TCS M2 chip in one a while back. It took a bit of dismantling and putting back together but does work well.
  14. 1st, Composite, 3 x Standard class and an EGV = 6, so what is the seventh?
  15. I have seen his many items on ebay over the past few months and must say that he doesn't seem to be a reluctantseller.
  16. Tarabuses


    Yes, it is unfortunate that when Paddy decided to issue a grey 071 he had to duplicate the engine number due to those already used.
  17. Yes, those were the days when no one lived far from a railway.
  18. Try visiting the Transport Museum in Howth. http://www.nationaltransportmuseum.org/b003.html
  19. Happy Birthday
  20. Yes, email jimpoots@googlemail.com
  21. If anyone is interested in the single door standard D class kit then contact Jim Poots as soon as you can. The dual door kit has sold out.
  22. Jim is expecting them into stock this weekend. If you ordered he should be in touch.
  23. Home protection - taking aim at the cat?
  24. The bus being modelled by EFE did operate in Galway in CIE Green before being repainted in later life.
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