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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. I love the Intermodal scene myself Stephen. There certainly is a lot of choice in modelling the current UK Intermodal scene. Dapol, Bachmann, Hornby, and Real Track - C Rail Intermodal. I like the idea of running the different prototypes on the layout as the UK models won't be left as eye candy. Imagine there is an Irish Sea tunnel like the Channel tunnel, and Freightliner have a contract here. It's imaginative and could be real fun. European prototype modellers are extremely lucky insofar as they can run trains from different countries and it follows prototype practice. I love the Freightliner 57's especially with the different roof arrangement to the rest of the 57's. They remind me of the Metrovicks when they received GM engines also. I've seen a few Schenker vans in Waterford and Cork over the last year and lot's of Stobart trucks so who knows what we might see in the future. Keep us informed and no slacking playing trains. Rich,
  2. I have to quote Graham Taylor on this Fran, do I not like that. I'd like to see one in Freightliner triple grey with P&O Nedloyd Atlas name plates. I reckon it would look sweet. Rich,
  3. I firmly believe that the Craven models are one of if not the best coaches ever. When you look at the numbers within the class and their geographical location it seems amazing that we have them as models. I prefer them to a MK11 or MK111 any day. Rich,
  4. I like the Schenker and Freightliner model's in the background Stephen. I have a soft spot for the class 66's in the Freightliner livery. I wish I could say the same for the new livery on the class 70's. Rich,
  5. RedRich

    Old photos

    Tom I remember when the first trial bridge lift failed. Investigation found that a mouse had messed with the electrics, which affected the hydraulics. Brother Edmund was a good man, although some of my mates that attended Mount Sion wouldn't agree. Rich,
  6. RedRich

    Old photos

    It was a really busy area east of Plunkett John. The wharf, the area in the photo. There was the flour mills where some sidings with hard standings had rail access. The Bell container port added to what was an all over busy area. Rich,
  7. Fantastic Richie, I will have to invest in one of these kit's. They really look fantastic when finished, and the design of the kit allows less experienced modellers to have a go. If you get a chance take some pics in natural day light you'll even confuse some people as to whether it is real or not. Gouache is a great medium for creating those weather worn and rusty looks. Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, and Orange Lake Deep are great colors for those effects. Well done Sir. Rich,
  8. Good man, they do appeal to me more with the black roof. I do hope we will see the Super Standard and Composite. Rich,
  9. Fran any chance of some more pics of the two coaches if you have some spare time please. Cheers, Rich,
  10. That's a very welcome and appreciated surprise. I'll have to invest in 8113, I love the NIR dark blue livery on these models and the prototype. Well done to all concerned. Rich,
  11. RedRich

    Old photos

    Yep there were four Tom. I have vague memories of the cabin in the photo. There also used to be some CIE box wagons stabled near to where the weigh bridge is now. It's amazing that there are still some families living in Sion Row, even though the tenement buildings are long gone. Rich,
  12. RedRich

    Old photos

    Some very interesting photos and a great resource. It's interesting to see the 2 boxes under the chassis on the Craven. The pic of the C class shunting at Waterford East is very nostalgic as I was raised in the houses in Sion Row until I was 3. Thanks for the link. Rich,
  13. I like the way you can see through the open curtains of the 1st floor center window above the convenience store Stephen. It gives the building some character.. The model of 078 looks marvelous, the handles on the valves painted in green and yellow is a nice touch. It shows a great eye for detail. Rich,
  14. The wealth of historical and accurate information available to modellers these days is as important a facet of the hobby as anything else. You can't have a model if there was no prototypical evidence for it. You can of course kitbash or design and build your own models, but if you have no photographic evidence then your project is dead in the water. This post has been a great eye opener for me and the amount of evidence that has been provided is hugely appreciated and very interesting. Well done to all that have contributed.. Now that the OP has the correct information he can accurately portray his model of 086 by removing the broken wheel logos and applying some IR decals. Rich,
  15. I have an AT AT from Hasbro myself Fran. I got it in 2011. I have a small troop of about 14 Snow Troopers 3 AT AT drivers and General Veers in it. Conor has an attack on Hoth with an AT ST and some figures. He also has a Defence of Hoth set also from TESB with a turret, some fire power, some rebel soldiers and K3PO. I love the original triology myself, and I can just about stomach the last part of Revenge of the Sith when Anakin turns. I was watching Jonathon Ross a few weeks ago when Warick Davies was on it. I don't fancy the idea of Disney making a seventh movie. I have the Blu Ray collection with all six movies plus extras and the remastered movies look great. I can understand Lucas changing the Han Solo Jabba the Hut meeting in A New Hope. Some of the other changes like R2 flying I can't take. Lucas had originally considered a CGI Yoda to replace the Frank Oz puppet in TESB and TROTJ, thankfully he didn't. Anyway back to topic it's looking good Fran. I think you should go with the brass wire hand rails and grab irons. I removed the hand rails from my 141-181's and left them sit in some warm water for a half hour adding some more warm water every few minutes. I used a hold and fold to clamp them in a straight position over night to cool down. They look great now and there's no bending or curving in them. I got some Detail Associates EMD lift rings for the 071 models as I feel the rings on the models are over scale. They look far more in scale. Trying to find time to do anything though is the hard bit. Rich,
  16. I was lucky to have traveled the line in a loco with my Gran Uncle when I was young. Taking the New Ross line at Abbey Junction, going under the Road Bridge, passing Glenmore. It was a lovely line, I do hope they save it in some way, it would be a shame not to. Last but not least excellent photos River Suir and thanks for sharing them. I think I will do it myself time permitting. Rich,
  17. That's coming along nicely Fran. Kato seem to have a fantastic after sales and spares catalog. A few more Manufactures doing the same would be nice. Slightly moving away from the theme of your thread. I notice in the pics that you are also a Star Wars fan. My youngest lad loves it, naturally I encourage him to get as much Star Wars products as he can, being a fan myself. Rich,
  18. Excellent find Eamonn. The in laws live in Cheekpoint and I really miss the traffic on the Barrow Bridge, especially the Beet season. I believe that the central span of the Red Iron bridge is in Africa now. As Seamus has said it's interesting to see the ship travel at that speed through the Barrow Bridge. The view from the in laws looks directly at the opening span so it is hard from that viewing point to gauge the speed. Rich,
  19. I agree with Fran and Richie. A classic example of the difference between resin and brass models is the LMS twins 10000 class (brass models) released some years ago and the Silver Fox versions in resin. D&M have produced amazing brass models of the Rail Cars and Enterprise rolling stock, imagine how they would look in resin. Even the recent LMS twins from Dapol look miles ahead of the resin versions. D&M have proved themselves extremely capable of producing a cracking kit or rtr model of an A, C class to the standard of their other models. Rich,
  20. It is definitely a 47' 6 bogie wagon that the container runs on as has been pointed out. It would be impossible to run it on a 42' flat as there would be no room for the Hose Stowage and other boxes at the ends of the wagons. It looks a great model by the way Tom. Good luck with it. Rich,
  21. I think we'll have to make you the chief corespondent for IRM Eamonn. Superb photos, you even caught Dave with a half smile. Rich,
  22. I thought so Des, they look fantastic as does the complete finish on the model from Seamus's works, top work all round. Rich,
  23. Should be a good one Eamonn. My brother went to see them some years ago and Simple Minds were also on the bill. I remember Jim Kerr saying he and Charlie Burchill felt like men out of time when they heard Oasis, at least Simple Minds and OMD are still making records and playing live. Rich,
  24. Without a doubt Fran, especially when you look at the standards of the latest Steam and Diesel models. If you want to start to rebuild an economy you need to get people back to work, but if rebuilding an economy from inside means higher labour costs and eventually higher retail prices you shoot yourself in the foot. I couldn't see the US based companies bringing manufacturing back home if it meant costs sky rocketed. Even with the market being small for Irish Railway models I would hate to imagine the costs if they were produced here or in the EU. It is a case of swallow hard and hope for the best. I wonder are Phoenix and Rail Match produced in the UK. Rich,
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