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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. I really like the sweeping way the track is flowing. It makes for a much greater experience when running the layout. The retaining walls and bridges look fantastic. Rich,
  2. That is very positive news Stephen. Well done to Richie and Dave for their efforts. Well done also to Stephen, Fran, and Pat for the great work they do behind the scenes to keep the group moving forward as it is. As Mr Spingsteen said, from small thing's mama one day big things come. Rich,
  3. Will they go under the tree, or straight on the rails. Rich,
  4. Now that you've been up close and personal with the locos Tom, is it growing on you. I've said it before, it breaks my heart looking at the MK3's. Rich,
  5. I agree with the lad's fantastic, I love the track and the models are beautiful. Rich,
  6. The 20' steel floor flats sound good John, especially with 21mm and 00 being a feature so something for everybody. With Des's 42' and 47' flats in the pipeline along with Provincial Wagons things are really looking good. Have things progressed with the 22' flats John. I could see the 22' flats and some beer cages and kegs from Des appearing on lot's of layouts. The springs, J hangers, and axle boxes look really sweet, superb stuff John. Rich,
  7. Lovely model Fran and a classic prototype. It will be interesting to compare the Dapol and Bachmann models to the Anjin model. I've seen one of the Dapol models in black and silver and it looks tasty. Rich,
  8. I was one of the people that was sceptical about the original models that were originally posted on the group. However the photos of the latest models are a measure of how far you have pushed yourself to get the models to the current ones you have now. I am a huge respecter of hard work, and I will echo the feelings of the other posters to say that it looks fantastic now. To have listened to the opinions of your future customers was the correct thing to do, and you did it with real humility. The best praise I could give you know Eoin is, if and when funds allowed I would go for a four car set. The majority of the cost of the models is taken up by the labor and that shouldn't go unmentioned. I'm really pleased for you, well done and good luck. Rich,
  9. Lovely shot Fran, what's the origin of the twin, and great layout A4. Rich,
  10. Tom I was just actually thinking that now would be a good time to get permission and photograph those MK111's before they are gone. Especially the doors on the standards, and the window arrangement on both sides of the restaurant coaches. Hopefully there will be a 201 over there to get some close up shots of the air filters, their pipe runs, and some fuel tank shots. Rich,
  11. Good luck Chevron, and keep us posted. Rich,
  12. http://www.scalescenes.com produce some low relief printable sheets in their townscenes range. It may have something that suits you. Rich,
  13. I watched it on the news this evening and it looked spectacular, glad the weather was good. Rich,
  14. Definitely Richie, there are some pieces of work that really stand out and grab your attention, and this is one of them. Rich
  15. Good work lad's, Des must feel like a proud Dad. Rich,
  16. Amazing work Phil, architectural modelling is one area I need to improve myself. This has given me serious inspiration, cracking stuff. Rich,
  17. Oh those sleepless nights Stephen. Still worth every second though. The modelling season seems to be kicking in again, keep us up to date. I will be using cobalt's myself, expect plenty of questions. Rich,
  18. I agree Stephen. That sums up the difference between a model railway and a model of a real railway. Huge difference but it looks right. Rich,
  19. Lovely models Noel. The last pic really shows how well MM have captured the look and bulk of the 111-071 locos, I also love the barrel on the pallet. The Enterprise models still amaze me every time I see them. Rich,
  20. I have to say that the extras such as pipe work and screw couplings that Heljan provide with their models are cracking. Look's a smashing model Fran their Hymek is still one of the very best models around. Rich,
  21. Maybe use some 2mm thin walled rod Kieran, put some masking tape around the spot to be drilled and it will stop the drill bit from slipping. The same would apply to using the supplied rod. It takes patience, but it is worth it as they are super little kit's. Rich,
  22. That's looking smashing Kieran. Two of Des's signals in front of it on each platform will look sweet. I can't wait to see the station building. Rich,
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