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Everything posted by irishthump

  1. Both. And they'd strip the copper out of the loco's generator too.....
  2. I'm surprised it's not up on blocks.....
  3. Am I right in saying the tippex and logo was applied straight over the Supertrain livery?
  4. I wouldn't put much stock in that... That could be present day down there!
  5. God I can remember drooling over those Lima sets when I saw them in a local shop.......
  6. Cheers, Bos! Did'nt think you would get that sort of mix of liveries in the one rake!
  7. Lads, Came across this picture on geography.ie.... I love the mix of coaching stock! I wonder can anyone put a rough date on this pic?
  8. For me it comes down to availability, it's easier to walk into your local shop and get your hand on code 100. The difference in scale really doesn't worry me. Sure the track is the wrong gauge after all! What do you mean regarding Insulfrog vs Electrofrog?
  9. Well then Electrofrog might be your best bet. The 0-4-0's will give trouble over Insulfrog points.
  10. Lovely! The TPO looks SO sweet in that rake!
  11. I've just started a new layout and I went with Peco for all the points. I had some Hornby points on my old layout and I wouldn't touch them again! All my points are Peco Streamline Code 100 small radius and they are all Insulfrog. I know the purists will recommend using Electrofrog with DCC but if you run nothing smaller than a Bo-Bo you shouldn't have any track pickup problems. My track is about 90% Peco streamline Code 100 flex track,. I had some lengths of Hornby semi-flex that I saved from the old layout and I always found them fine so I'll use them in freight sidings.
  12. I got grief from a work colleague when he found out the "bleedin' ridiculous" cost of "bleedin' toy trains". Funny though, he thought nothing of spending over ten grand on a golf club membership and then lost his goolies when the club went into receivership during the bust!
  13. The track diagram is out of scale but the main loop is about 8 feet square. The terminus section at the top is about 17ft long while the station at the bottom is about 15ft in total.
  14. I used CD motor in a Hornby HST a while back. They fit near perfectly the only issue being getting the drive gear to fit snugly on the motor shaft. They can be picked up easily from junked PC's, laptops or stereos, here's a link. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/77-Graham-s-Workbench?p=51957&viewfull=1#post51957
  15. Thanks Anto, I didn't think the Golden Brown was that dark. Lovely work as usual, btw.
  16. Exactly which coaches are painted in that colour, Anto?
  17. Vlak, thank you for the informative post! A wealth of information there.... I wonder can I pick your brains further? DO you have any information regarding transitioning of the traction motors in the Irish GM's that used the 567 engine? I'm guessing that transition was automatic considering the time these locos were manufactured.
  18. A little more progress.... Got most of the station trackwork completed. Here's a short video of a rake of MK3's snaking it's way over the pointwork into what will eventually one of the station platforms.
  19. It could be the circuit board in the loco causing a short that fried the decoder. The fact that you were able to programme an address to the decoder in the first place would indicate that the decoder was ok to begin with.
  20. I'm glad I run DCC!
  21. But if you have one controller set forward and the other set backward if both are turned on you will have a short at the common rail. You will have to be sure to never have both controllers powered on at the same time. By powered on I mean with the throttle above zero.
  22. Congratulations and the best of luck with the new layout, 14x10 is a nice amount of space!
  23. If you simply want to switch between the 2 controllers then you can just use a SPST wired to the red rail as in Broithe's diagram. Then you wire both controllers using the black wire as a common return. This won't cause a short.
  24. I used an old Lima parcel van to make a rough approximation of a Dutch van a couple of years ago. It was just a straight respray with an added grille on each side. I think the chassis is around the right size, but the bogies are all wrong. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/77-Graham-s-Workbench However the original Lima wheels are a bit rough. It would probably be easy enough to buy the correct bogies and scratchbuild a chassis.
  25. Got the track for the main loop laid over the last week. It's all Peco flex track with Peco streamline points (won't touch Hornby ones again!) I fixed the track down with No Nails (clear variety) and I'd highly recommend for laying track. It holds the track down without the need for any pins, even on curves. By the way the points are all insulfrog, I used them on my last layout and never had any stalling issues with them at all. Anyway here's a short video of me testing out the loop.....
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