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Everything posted by irishthump

  1. Forgive me asking all the questions, but I'm curious about this one! What exactly would happen? What do you mean by the loco meeting another local on the main? Did you say the loco was an Athearn?
  2. When you say "over voltage shutdown" do you mean the decoder or the DCC controller was shutting down?
  3. As usual....
  4. I know but the Athearns gear towers take up a lot more space because of the connecting tabs on top, and the motor is much bulkier then what was used in the 141's. The same speaker in the 071 will fit into the 141 without the need for any surgery.
  5. Yes, I believe they're made by Roco. If you download the Lokpilot and Loksound manuals from the ESU site you can see how they operate. The decoder can be programmed to perform and uncoupling maneuver; the loco backs up a tiny bit to create slack, the couplers unlocks and the loco moves off.
  6. The speaker used in the 071 would fit the 121 body without any hassle I would think.
  7. Sorry, yes I was referring to the Lokpilot V4. The decoder has 4 function outputs (which are functions that have all the necessary circuitry built into the decoder) it also has 2 more Logic functions which have the ability to control external devices such as DCC controlled couplers. As I said the circuit boards in modern models that have 21pin interfaces allow the logic functions to be used to control lights/leds.
  8. I think pretty much all decoders now are set up to enable DC running, even the bog standard Hornby ones have that feature. Also, when they say to check a loco on DC they mean to remove the decoder and run it on a DC track or power supply just to make sure the motor mechanism isn't the cause of any problems.
  9. The Lokpilot has 6 functions; 4 outputs and 2 logic functions. The logic functions can be used to control leds by using a special adaptor plate. The PCB in the MM071 probably does the same job as the adaptor.
  10. Yeah it's definitely a Lokpilot. As you say, a hell of a markup!
  11. It's a LokPilot Fx which has 6 functions hence the higher price tag.
  12. Yeah, spot on.
  13. The headlight and cab lights both use 2 functions each, 1 for forward and 1 for reverse in each case.
  14. You need a 6 function decoder to handle all the lighting functions on an 071.
  15. Congratulations guys!
  16. We lost Bones in 1999.
  17. Still available!
  18. Lads and lassies, Have a 071 and 201 chip for sale. These are Zimo chips bought from Model Shop Belfast, both in perfect order. Looking for €200 for the pair. Based in South Dublin so can arrange for them to be picked up if the buyer is local. If posting I'll only send them registered and insured so that will add about €10 to the price. Can accept Paypal if needs be. Here's a couple of videos of the decoders: [video=youtube;oDiEKnC-Q-I]
  19. Try isopropyl alcohol if you can get it, it will lift just about any paint finish. Soak it overnight then scrub off with a toothbrush. If you can't get the isopropyl alcohol then you could try using T-Cut and a cotton bud to remove the signage then just prime the wagons then repaint them.
  20. Many Happy Returns, Sir!
  21. Yeah but he mounts the coupler to the body of the loco. If you have a body mounted coupler on the loco you need to body mount it on the coach as well. Body mounted and bogie mounted don't mix well.
  22. The purists will tell you to body mount the couplers and this is how they are designed to work, but this can cause a lot of problems if you have tight curves/points on your layout. My now defunct layout had tight curves so I mounted them to the bogies permanently, but it's easy to mount them so they can be removed at a later time if you want. Body mounting the coupler (using the kadee draft box) is even easier and they are easily removed later if required.
  23. Yes, Noel. I'm afraid it is a bit of a myth! The whole Kadee/NEM process is a bit of a mess, the pockets are often WAY off the correct height and I find the swivelling cams that Murphy and Bachmann use don't play nice with Kadees either. If you're really serious about switching to Kadees I think you have to bite the bullet and fit them permanently, either to the body or to the truck/bogie.
  24. Have to say the Gaugemaster Prodigy is dead simple, that's why I chose it in the first place. I had watched several videos showing how to programme with systems like the Powercab and Digitrax and it's seems needlessly complicated.
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