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Everything posted by irishthump

  1. I also scratch built a loco fuelling point for the layout, based around the Knightwing kit. The base is 6mm MDF and I scribed the edging pattern into it, the tank is from an old wagon and the rest is offcuts of styrene and other bits and bobs. I'm not sure if I'll put a canopy over the pumps, and I may switch the tank for something better looking.
  2. A long overdue update... Sitting at home nursing my now tonsil-less throat I did these to pass some time, a "toad" and a couple of siphon G parcel vans.
  3. Looks spot on!
  4. Lads and lassies, I came across this weathering tutorial today, some very interesting techniques are described in detail with excellent photos. It's aimed at US outline but it's still a good read. In it's PDF form, just follow the link. http://wnrr.net/WeatheringTips2.pdf
  5. irishthump

    New Arrival

    Congratulations, Stephen!
  6. That's very impressive work, Eigyro. As regards the wiring for the circuit, do you have any problem with an inrush of current to the capacitor causing the DCC system to interperet it as a short?
  7. No one else was interested, end of story.
  8. Don't see what's strange about it. The winning bid had already reached roughly what you would pay for a new class 37, so no one was willing to bid any higher.
  9. Thanks for comments lads, I was worried it was a tad overdone but after looking at some photos in Rails Through the West I see that some freight sidings got in a far worse state! @Glenderg - yes it needs variety, I have a static grass applicator on order so it's likely to get more overgrown! Once the "natural" debris is done I'll start in on the real rubbish! But it will have to wait a while, I had my tonsils out Monday. So I'm sitting here at the PC feeling sorry for myself...
  10. A few more pics after I managed to add some foliage. I went for a VERY overgrown look, don't know if I've overdone it it a bit! What do you think, lads?
  11. Yeah I was planning to make it a container yard, so that's great news about the reach stacker!
  12. It actually does not matter, the resistor will break the circuit regardless of which side it's wired.
  13. No, it does'nt matter as long as it is present in the circuit.
  14. Lovely, lovely work, Rangermouse. As for a baby GM being too dirty, not a chance!
  15. It does'nt matter whether you attach the resistor to the positive or negative, I think it's just ggod practice to pick one side and stick with it when wiring up. You'll definatley have to disconnect the red leds and make sure there working independently of the loco.
  16. Yeah, looking forward to getting my Supertrain 071 too!
  17. Spent a some time (actually, a LOT of time!) wiring the bus for the leds. Here's a couple of "night shots"...
  18. Great news Dave! Silly question warning: What exactly is the difference between CIE original and CIE supertrain liveries?
  19. Over the last few days I got the the rest of the freight yard ballasted. After the glue dried I toned it down with a thin black wash applied with an airbrush. As you can see in the pics I scratchbuilt a couple of sets of floodlights, these have leds fitted but I have'nt got round to adding a power bus yet. Here's a better pic of them... I also fitted leds to the sight office in the backround. More scratchbuilding; a couple of simple ground levers for the points in the freight yard. Another view... All that's needed now is some grass/weeds to finish it off.
  20. Wow! That backdrop makes such a difference...
  21. I have 3 of the 141/181 sound chips from the Model Shop Belfast and they are top notch. They also sell a speaker which can be used without having to do any major surgery to the inside of the loco. You just need to solder the two speaker wires to the contacts on the circuit board in the loco and plug in the chip.
  22. Looking great! Do I see the downloadable brickpaper from Newrailwaymodellers? Stunning weathering from Anto, as usual. Did he respray 039? The livery looks better than on the Silverfox website. (I'm assuming it's a Silverfox here.)
  23. Mainly mid to late 70's. I'm running a lot of Black and Tan and Supertrain liveried stock. But to be honest you cound find anything running on it, so I'm not too hung up on it! And anyway, I don't know of any Irish stations that resemble mine!
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