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Everything posted by irishthump

  1. Hi, Signal and well to the forum! Although I don't own a 201 myself there have been documented problems like the ones you are experiencing. Here's a link to a thread about them http://irishrailwaymodelling.com/showthread.php/449-MM004-Chips-for-201-s-problems I'm sure some the other members can help you out...
  2. You can write to all cv's with the Dynamis, but you need the Probox to read them back.
  3. But AFAIK you can program CV's with the Dynamis can't you?
  4. Well that's not a problem as you can map the light functions to suit the consist.
  5. You can always set both locos to the same address.
  6. I wonder would he be able to add a manual "notch-up/down" feature to the 071 and 141/181 chips?
  7. Not sure what DCC controller you are using but have you tried resetting the chip? It's easily done, write a value of 8 to CV8. That might sort the problem. Like the lads if that does'nt work give Gareth a shout, he's very helpful and will sort it for you.
  8. I would agree. I have a siding set up as a programming track. I have DPDT switch which allows me to switch it from programming track to main track power so I can drive a loco onto the programming track, switch over to programming mode then drive it back out. There is also a "dead" section in between the programming track and mainline. This length of track has no power when the switch is set to the programming track which stops a loco from driving onto the track while it is in programming mode. Apparently this can really bugger your DCC system if it happens!
  9. Thanks for all the help lads... So I imagine those water/waste pipes are commonplace? I have seen more primitive ones in a lot of station pics.
  10. Cheers, man! That would be great!
  11. Thanks for that info, Mayner. I had a hunch that I might be wrong on that one! I'm looking for some reference pictures of refueling points for my own layout, are there any at Heuston or do locos refuel at Inchicore?
  12. Lads, I was looking at the picture below on Eiretrains and I'm assuming that those are refueling points between the tracks. Would I be right? http://eiretrains.com/Photo_Gallery/Railway%20Stations%20H/Heuston/slides/Heuston_20090508_052_CC_JA.html
  13. 191 went AWOL at the North Wall in '91. (Something poetic about the way that sounds!) Crashed into some buffers and caught fire I believe.
  14. Lovely work so far! Is she a DCC layout?
  15. Except the older Hornby mk3's, these are too short for the brass etched sides. (I'm assuming you're using Weshty's kit.)
  16. I agree, even the smallest of gaps will give it a sense of space. Where did you get the wall sections? Are they plaster casts?
  17. I like the retaining wall. It will look fantastic painted and weathered.
  18. Stunning work, Bosko! And at such a pace too.... BTW, on the subject of using neodynium magnets for uncoupling Kadees, I found this thread on another site.It might not tell you anything you hav'ent already discovered, but an interesting read nonetheless. http://yourmodelrailway.net/view_topic.php?id=8481&forum_id=6&page=1
  19. Waiting here with baited breath for a Supertrain 071 meself!
  20. Wonderful work!
  21. Ah here, that's just TOO good!
  22. Many happy returns, Fran!
  23. irishthump

    Family bereavement .

    Good to see you back, Anto.
  24. Happy Christmas guys and gals! As I'm waiting for the Supertrain 071 to be released I was'nt expecting much in the way of railway-related pressies. But lo and behold I unwrapped a parcel this morning from herself to find some Hornby Skaledale goodies. Bless her, she knew I was working on a station for the layout!
  25. Ah, they old Freightliner Terminal! That the was first train set I ever had....
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