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Everything posted by irishthump

  1. Thanks for the comments lads! Here's a few more of the platforms after weathering and placing on the layout. That last pic looks a bit odd! There seems to be a bend in the mdf causing the platform to lift at the end. Just a matter of fixing it down securely.
  2. I used thin wire that I stripped out of some old computer cable.
  3. irishthump

    Track Cleaning

    Just watch that video posted above, it's a very handy way to do it.
  4. irishthump

    Track Cleaning

    Also Kev , since you mentioned DCC make sure you have plenty of power feeds to your track. One every 3 feet or so should be enough.
  5. irishthump

    Track Cleaning

    Hi Kev, Yeah meths will do the job. Any type of pure alcohol is perfect, just watch the fumes! Best to get yourself a decent track rubber as well to remove any stubborn grime before wiping down with the meths. DCC really needs the track to be spotless for reliable running.
  6. TBH I'm not going to paint the sandpaper. I find that just rubbing the surface with your fingers gives it a lighter colour, resembling well used tarmac.
  7. On another note, I can't seem to find a photo of any Irish station that had the platform built from red brick. Anyone know of any?
  8. Ah, so that's what you call it!
  9. Some detail was added to the platform sides. Don't ask me what these are supposed to be, I just make them to resemble what I have seen on the real thing! Next step is to weather them and they'll be ready for the layout.
  10. Another long overdue update! Have'nt had the time to really do anything until this week. But I'm now off work until the new year so hopefully I'll make some progress. Firstly, I have extended the main double line to give a straight run through what will be my station, here's what it looked like before... And now... This allows the platforms to be long enough to take a 5 coach train. And speaking of platforms.... These are made from 12mm mdf with brick paper on the sides. The top surface is 5mm foamboard painted a suitable colour then I added strips of sandpaper for the tar surface.
  11. There's footage in this video of the push-pulls with a C class at the North end. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/805-CIE-trains-Dublin-area-1983-Beulah-Library-Roll-F51
  12. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the 2 lamps became standard after the Cherryville accident in 1983. **see above post**
  13. irishthump

    Family bereavement .

    I'm very sorry to here of your loss, Anto. My sympathies to you and your family.
  14. Sweet!
  15. But like Retro said, you won't have that problem with their decoder. I have a Prodigy Advance which has the same setting for th F2 key and the 3 Model Shop sound decoders I have all work great.
  16. You can change the function the F2 key controls but you probably can't change the the F2 key to latching. Are you able to programme CV's with your contoller?
  17. Some of the best weathering I have ever seen.
  18. Yep, a couple of MK3's are yer only man!
  19. Ah sure why spoil the view!
  20. I wish you had put up that picture before I opened my big mouth! It looks a lot better from that direction...
  21. Personally I would try to have one long, gentle curve. It can be a bit peculiar looking if a long train's coaches are bobbing from side to side! Have you got the space to do that? Everything looks great though!
  22. Jaysus, Anto.... you must have got there even earlier than me!
  23. Yeah, I have a Prodigy Advance and the F2 key is "non-latching". You can alter the CV settings but as far as I know functions 0 through 2 can't be operated by function keys 3 and above. I'm not exactly sure if this is true for all models of decoder.... You can programme the decoder so as to have the marker lights and headlight activated by F0 but I guess that spoils the fun of having seperate marker lights and headlights!
  24. Well thanks to Jack, you all know what I look like.... first picture, second from left, wearing the glasses!
  25. Amen to that! Have to agree, well organised (apart from that dodgy character on the door!) and plenty of stuff on offer. I only picked a few small bits and pieces myself, hopefully will have a few bob to spend at February's gig.
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