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Patrick Davey

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Everything posted by Patrick Davey

  1. That is EXACTLY how I remember them! Top job Philip!
  2. Can't see how to delete posts - can someone assist? Ta!
  3. No success with an attempt at posting a video - just won't upload......
  4. These look fab! Lovely stuff IRM.
  5. B125 at Clogherhead this evening, getting ready to bring some empty wagons back to Drogheda.
  6. Another stunner!! BCDR heaven!!
  7. Regarding suitable paints to represent GNR colours, I have used the following: GNR carriage mahogany: Revell Aqua Colour Mud Brown Gloss This produces this effect: I should probably add a wash of black to these at some point before adding GNR coat of arms decals. Then for the GNR bus/railcar/carriage blue & cream: Cream: Anita's All-Purpose Acrylic 1106 Antique White (it's definitely cream though!) Blue: System 3 Acrylic 134 Prussian Blue Hue I used these two on my GNR buses: Hope that helps!
  8. *THUD* (That was the sound of my jaw hitting the floor.....)
  9. Meanwhile at Clogherhead, A46 arrives with the by now quite rare CIE ex-GSWR/GSR 10-ton brake van. Thankfully, this ancient vehicle did not tear herself apart on the dodgy double slip…… IMG_6966.MOV
  10. She does Philip - Mr. Weaver approves!
  11. A nice new arrival at BHM! The new UTA-liveried Jinty from Marks Models/Hornby has arrived. Once the couplings were removed it looks great, obviously not super detailed but certainly a fantastic model at a great price, the UTA livery looks good to me! Looking forward to running it soon. Well done Mark!
  12. Two contrasting additions to the Clogherhead roster - an ancient ex-GSWR 10-ton brake van, in faded GSR livery with the recently-applied CIE flying snail, plus a not-so-ancient CIE double beet wagon. There wasn’t much beet traffic from CHD but these wagons were occasionally seen on the sand traffic. Many thanks to Alan Nixon @Tullygrainey for finishing off the finer details of the brake van for me and to Leslie @leslie10646 for producing the excellent kit. Also thanks to Eamonn Redmond @enniscorthyman for the very generous donation of the beet wagon and chassis. The body is a superb 3D print by Enda Byrne.
  13. Excellent! One of my favourite layouts on this forum the inset track isn’t an easy feature to carry off effectively, and you have managed it very convincingly in a relatively large area. Superb!!
  14. Superb Alan - really taking shape now!
  15. Nice to see Michael Palin's "Derry to Kerry' again - an interesting snapshot of how things were 30 years ago. Good to see my much-missed friend Tom McDevitte in fine form, telling the story of Maggie Coulter's goat in Fivemiletown as well as some decent shots of 171 in action along the north coast line, especially as she'll hopefully be back in steam again soon. The final sequence at Blennerville-Tralee is sad though. I remember speaking about the programme to a very knowledgeable railwayman whom I knew back then, and he made me laugh when he got very grumpy about it and said 'Why the hell did they get that theatre man to show Palin around Cultra, what the frig does he know about our railways?' Some parts of the show annoyed me eg. he could have been a bit nicer to the stewardess on the train from Limerick Junction but overall it was a good show I thought which gave a good impression of the railways. Many changes since then!
  16. Tenderage........how about tenderness?
  17. I think my early one about the tea room might have had more…..? Then there was the one about the holy men……
  18. A LIVERY OBSERVATION Thanks to the many excellent posts on this forum, I think I am becoming increasingly aware of the importance of getting the livery of a model as accurate as possible. Consider these two photos, showing two examples of the same model, both of which were bought recently on higher perches. The first one was shown here before, and thanks to an excellent and very constructive observation from @David Holman, I accepted that there was a slight inaccuracy in the livery - many shanks to David for that (and he is not to be blamed for this post!) The second view shows the second model with the livery corrected. Definitely tickled pink with the result. The importance of getting the livery correct is considerable - you don't, for example, want your efforts to reveal that you may have right wing or left wing leanings, and you want to beak sure that your models soar highly - the best painting technique I have found is to be as light as a feather, this is a primary concern. You don't after all want people to see your work as being far down the pecking order, and worst of all, to consider you as being somewhat gullible.
  19. I expressed an interest in this Jinty and indeed it looks really good, the livery especially, but the large couplers are giving me second thoughts. Hopefully someone can advise how feasible it is to deal with this and if it's not feasible to replace them with NEMs, then the only thing I can think of is the brutal but usually effective method of fixing black wire between the buffers (I can hear the gasps of horror from here!) But fair play to Marks.
  20. Another masterpiece in the making Alan!
  21. Excellent progress!! Capturing the handsome lines very well!!!
  22. That coupling............
  23. I did but it was crap......
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