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Patrick Davey

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Everything posted by Patrick Davey

  1. So does that mean you have received an example of one or more of each A class version, ie the finished product, in advance? And are the rest all finished and just awaiting shipping? And........ Any more pics..................?
  2. Busy work time at the moment so not much happening on the layout, but here's a selection of recent photos.
  3. Ok you have been playing with us enough lads - time to spill!!!!!!
  4. Magnificent!!!!
  5. Here's the Brookhall Mill van fleet - the model is a current offering from Oxford Diecast, also available from IRM, so a few were duly acquired and the decals were commissioned (at a very reasonable price) from Endon Valley Custom Decals.
  6. They are ‘mill’ vans! I got them recently from IRM and direct from Oxford and they have the name of the mill on their sides! Decals commissioned from Endon Valley Custom Decals. Cheers Popeye
  7. A few updates from the mill - a single storey building has been added, in the classic GNR(I) red brick style, and work has started on the rest of the mill buildings.
  8. Love the colour of the new Taras - surely it is but a small step now to applying a similar shade to a steam locomotive............
  9. Looking impressive!! I sent you a Facebook message a while back, am interested in the brake vans.
  10. Great stuff - fantastic to see that all models are at 50% or above, looking forward to receiving my two! Interesting to note that all 3 B&T models are above 70% and all are in the top 4. Maybe that period remans the nostalgic time for most of us!
  11. Love micros - this is superb!!!
  12. Latest updates at the mill - boiler house and chimney added, more scenics, and an anti-aircraft position, which was provided following a token raid by a lone German bomber in 1941........
  13. I use one for general dusting after sanding etc!!!
  14. Boom boom! Only photo I ever saw of Newforge siding was in Mac Arnold's 'Golden Years of the GNR' Vol. 1?
  15. Thanks GM - the main mill buildings will be a total rip-off of the GNR's Dundalk works so non-GNR fans of a nervous disposition should probably look away......
  16. Thanks Noel! I have a thread here somewhere about the shelter and also the signal cabin, which were built together a few years back.
  17. A small build over the last few days - a small boiler house to house the chimney I bought recently, with a water tank to service the locomotives at the mill. This has been a useful exercise as it has given me some ideas for the main mill building which needs to happen soon...... the water tank came from a water tower I made years ago but I had to respray it in red to match the prevailing colour scheme at Brookhall Mill. The blank wall on the right will house the station name and the chimney will hopefully also display the name, in ‘ghost’ lettering. The chimney is removable, to facilitate transport of the layout in the future. This building will be located tight against the backscene so the rear wall is just plain card.
  18. Don’t think that’s accurate - the mention of Larne was in relation to the tune I was playing which was named after the steep descent into Larne on the Ballymena & Larne line, ‘The Inver Bank’. I don’t think that could be seen as a suggestion that the GC line ran to Larne.
  19. I was one of those 'random' folk tonight! Phew.....wasn't as bad as I feared. For the record, they edited something I said to change the meaning - my actual words were "....very proud of The Giant's Causeway Railway..." but they chopped out the last word to make it appear that I was praising the geology rather than the railway. The praise was intended for the original line, before I get dog's abuse for daring to say anything positive about the current operation!
  20. Impressive Noel - particularly as the subject of wiring points is one which I steer well away from....... Really enjoying your updates on this superb project.
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