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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Well boil my leg and call me Brenda. A new FTLA for me (Forum Two Letter Acronym).
  2. That is a class layout. What with the music at the start, I almost expected Michael Portillo to pop out all miniaturised a la Bernard Cribbins. Very impressed by the embankment up the back of the station with posts and fencing and long grass (0:36). Great attention to detail, and even the road and surrounding houses look "right".
  3. OT? A very good question. Superheated only, but you've just added another item to the "to-do" list. I WILL do it as a supplementary kit, given that I have done the same for the B4.
  4. Yes it is.
  5. Horsetan, great photos, now that I can see them, I'd the same issue as the other lads a few days ago. Looking very well altogether and very self explanatory. Well done sir.
  6. You too? I thought I was alone in my worries. Mucho thanks for the hard work over the holidays Boskonay.
  7. Lads, Southern Yard, thanks a mil for the photos, pure class and great to have for the record. As you may know, the 42' bogie flat is being developed at the moment as part of the Ammonia Rake. I also propose to sell the 42' as a seperate item with the option of a full load of guinness beer cages and beer loads. More detail anon.
  8. Nice pressies there boys, Kirley, that cap is pure class. Wrenner, your little one's smile could be bottled, fab! Shem, hang in there boss! Glenderg, hope they're treating you well! Santa came early to me, with a garden scale B4. An animal. A long term project will be to consider a modularised steam unit with RC (you can thank Glenderg for guiding me towards that inspiration). A man can dream.
  9. Hi all, The 800 and 801 nameplates and numbers can both be seen in Cultra and all have blue backgrounds. Wrenner, thanks for the shout out. Merry Christmas I also have two variants of the three sets, one for the 800 dimensions and another for the smaller Royal Scot donor splashers. Also do the J15 #186 and 184, as well as the WT #4. Anything else, I can do as a metallicised transfer, Gold or Silver, with appropriate coloured background.
  10. Guys, Check out January's edition of Military Aviation Modelling. There is an article on the compoletion of a 1:5 scale Mustang (yes, it is 6' long and has a 7' wingspan, eight years in the making). There are some great photos here. http://www.craftsmanshipmuseum.com/Glen.htm It also has a superb article on painting and weathering a decommissioned Hind helicopter. I might have to put this magazine on the regular "to get" list. It really is top drawer.
  11. RTR vs. kits. Horses for courses
  12. I'm loving the general consensus from JB's original post, they all make my mouth water B4, J15, AEC Railcars, 800, S, A-Class, and a 50's laminate coach. Mmmmmm.
  13. Horsetan, These etches were done 30 years ago and the handdrawn artwork has long since disappeared and is certainly not available to me. I would have to recreate the etch design from scatch using the etch transparancies as a template. Straight up this is not something I can give priority to, given I will have my hands full with the ammonia rake.
  14. Tasty. By the look of it, the numberplates are etched brass, the buffernumbers and crest are transfers and the lining is 0.5mm physical strips.
  15. Gob smacked. That is amazing sounding. The flickering grate light is the cherry on the cake.
  16. Press F5 key repeatedly. This will force a refresh.
  17. Maith an buachaill! Thanks for the photo, though I called your name more about possibly doing the Navan box at some stage in the future. Mmmmmmm. I'll add a few boxes myself when I get home tonight.
  18. I love the Navan one. Glenderg, where are you???
  19. Weshty

    North Kerry Book

    A great evening was had at Newcastlewest. There was a full house the event was preceded with an excellent audiovisual presentation of 8mm film of the early 70's RPSI tour on the line, and some recorded interviews of cie staff and passengers from times past. Alan proved himself a natural raconteur with some mighty anecdotes. So much that when he finished there was an "awww" heard in the house! Beg, borrow or steal the book. It is a very well put together and a great read. Quality photos, drawings, line route detail and all the rest. And of course, it was great to meet the Man himself!
  20. SS school bus back again? Yeah!!!
  21. Happy Birthday young fellah! Enjoy some gentle imbibement from a high stool this evening, you deserve it.
  22. Saints devine! That is a honey.
  23. That is great news and just confirms the quality of build on these babies. Nice one.
  24. Can you imagine the number of dads who would have had their credit cards out like a flash the following Saturday morning, if a proper layout with a sound coded 071, a rake of Cravens and a silverfox Genny Unit had been shown? A real lost opportunity.
  25. Thanks for the interest guys. Very much appreciated. Please let me know definitive orders as the few Wickam etches I got have now been purchased as of 10pm!. I will need to re-order. Regards Weshty
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