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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Set it aside George for me, set it aside.
  2. Weshty

    Sligo Bus

    It's an E Class. Went into service in early '60's and lasted over 20 years. Based on the Leyland Leopard L2 chassis and the Leyland O600 engine. It was the last CIE single Deck design and the last CIE to have a roof luggage carrier. It was lighter than its predecessor by 11cwt at 7ton 7cwt, very fuel efficent and proved to be very suitable to the irish rural road system at the time.
  3. Well up George, that is a quality tutorial and as always, crisp clear photography. Some amount of work in reworking the 071 in modern livery. Loving your new workshed, how did you get that past 'Er Indoors???
  4. I have a 1/24 Airfix Spitfire that I bought on impulse in Smiths last year. You're tempting me to actually build it with those shots. ('twas to make up for the 1/32nd scale Matchbox kit Santa DIDN'T get to bring me back in '78). And yet...this too is purchasable! http://www.oldmodelkits.com/index.php?detail=7335 I'll be honest lads, the years just disappeared when I found the above image to post up. A great feeling! I even recalled how I used to drool over the detail of the cockpit illustration.
  5. Wow, the loco is a complete beauty, and a steamer to boot.
  6. Lovely bridges, and the freight 071 going across gives it a real sense of verisimilitude (if I've used that twice in the last four weeks....tough!).
  7. Ideally you could use a rolling bar, but these are expensive (£50-60). Alternatively, roll with a 1" diameter metal bar on a mouse pad or equivalent. I generally sell mine pre-rolled, because it can be tricky.
  8. Hi all, I've revamped the vehicle section with some new pictures to give an idea of the bus transfers available. http://www.studio-scale-models.com/TVehicle.shtml Now, if only I could get my hand on some more of Mr. Poots fine items...
  9. Liverbird, is this a full brass kit or just overlays? For full brass: cheap soldering iron Carrs 140 solder Carrs Green flux and a cheap paintbrush to apply it Fibre brush to finely sand and de-oxidize the surfaces to be attached....or use fine wet'n'dry sandpaper (the black stuff) Regards Weshty.
  10. I think I will wait for John Maynes goodies....
  11. Roll on more photos George. 120' track? Awesome. If I ever get around to an S scale T&DR (why not use my own produce eh???) there is a little patch of my back garden that would be perfect for it, particularly with some pine framing as JM suggested.
  12. Lovely job George. Particularly the weathering on the enfine farings and wing edges showing the aluminium base!
  13. Lovely. You've just caused me to LOL in a public place....
  14. ?? What, like it opens easily and closes without creasing the acetate cover??? Mad.
  15. If the alternative is to have nothing in place for 5-10 years, why would you not use something that is already there, as an interim measure? It makes no sense to me at all, and smacks of bureaucratic or politically motivated footdragging. I am completely open to being convinced otherwise, but by jaysus, it better be cogent.
  16. Jaysus, memories of early, wet windswept mornings headng to Dublin... A platform that only it's mother could love it.
  17. Wow. Those are powerful and impressive statistics. And 30% active in the last rolling month is a very healthy sign. Well done to the lads on distributing flyers. Using analogue to promote the digital. And well done to Boskonay for setting up this forum on an independant server, no Yuku, no MSN, no fear of migration, no intrusive ads and guaranteed local. Sweet!
  18. Here here. Firstly, well done John on the new venture, lovely looking details, and you're wise to take your time. You can see just how long these things take, what with unavoidable design iterations et al. Richie, beer cages, yup. I've all the dimensions and prototype photos to get me going, and it's pretty much designed in my head and will be done.
  19. Looking at those babies sorts out for me where George Lucas got his idea for the Cloud City Dual Pod ships......
  20. Fekkit Dave, you made me laugh out loud in my office! Props on the comment though.
  21. Mid 60's to early 90's pretty much covers it for me. Black and tan, Supertrain golden Brown and modern, capturing pre and post intermodal stock.
  22. Kirley, have a word with Glenderg, he's done wonders in putting the SSM signals together. I'll adjust the instructions to say that 0.5mm is acceptable. A pin vice and a selection of Maplin mini drill bits (0.4-1.2mm) will sort you out for fine drilling. On the stone bridge, I thought I'd commented already, but just to reiterate, it really looks the business. Great choice of material and you've integrated it very realistically into the layout. Lovely work!
  23. Stunning, stunning work, great attention to detail. The blackened beams are the cherry on the cake.
  24. That is an animal of a plane.
  25. Too right Rich. Akin to a great young fellah, who went a little off the rails, but has matured and done his ol' man proud
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