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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. I'm lovin' that one....
  2. Still no luck four months later eh?
  3. Amen to that. Even if finished in Dynorod red, would it matter as long as you can see it in the flesh? By contrast, once an item is gone, that's pretty much it. RIP bubbles, cement pallets, beet, bredins, ammonia tankers (oh for a good underchassis photo of those big boys...) etc.
  4. Ah bon, le vite livraisons du Coca Cola! Quelle belle vista!
  5. Lovely work John, a great piece of design, can't wait to get my hands on them.
  6. Watch it at 2:14. With the quality of modern digital cameras and irish OO gauge rolling stock, this might as well be a track-level view of a well done layout! Looks like you'd need 20 to make up a rake ....
  7. It just looks soooooooo damn well. Nice one Dave.
  8. Rob, a sweet job. The weathered colour on the beets is really hard to define (grey/rust/light brown??) but you've pretty much hit the nail on the head there. Class.
  9. Done in '95 at fancy dress in Camden St. with fake ponytail, mutton chops, colt 45 and dress suit. Bloody hell. That sounds like Wrenn on duty around the same time....
  10. Jayzus but that is just scandalous....
  11. Old Oppie was one very, very bright boy. Amongst his many achievements, he learnt Sanscrit in 1932, a language that makes irish and latin look like a walk in the park. http://www.bhagavad-gita.org/Gita/verse-11-30.html
  12. A great one from Generation Kill "that boy has baaaad taste. I'd keep him away from your uglier daughters and smaller livestock"
  13. Lovely jubbly. Might have some new items for you all then...
  14. Wow, great turnout. Maybe next time
  15. Dose fekkin' sman-ticks will get yah every time!
  16. ` James May might have a bone to pick with that headline...
  17. Irrespective, you had to see it to believe it...
  18. Sigh. I know I know, but I had a few hours and 'tis an itch I had to scratch!
  19. and there's other goodies on the way...watch this space...
  20. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    No fears, I should have enough, though those who don't get an order in and miss the first 50 will have another 10 weeks to wait!
  21. Yup, nothing finalised yet, but looking at about 12% off when you get 5. I may also look at a combo pack of detailing and decals.
  22. Inspired by George Norman's suggestion and the Model Rail Dec.12 edition, I am putting the finishing touches to a new brass etch (sabbatical my ass!). It will superdetail the Dapol Tanker and will include: Side plates with ribbing correct size buffers walkways and supporting frames spoked handwheel coupling hooks ladders solebar detailing cie solebar nameplates Price will be c.€7 per wagon.
  23. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Well folks, just got news from the moulders. They will be shipping them out next Friday the 7th, so I should be able to start posting out by the following Thursday, so you should have them in your letterboxes on Friday the 14th...plenty of time for Christmas!
  24. Well, I'm going to make a detailing kit for it at some stage soon....
  25. I bought one of Redplant100's hoppers on ebay and was so impressed, I got another 11. They really do the job. Dapol donor, brass handwheels and angle iron ends and two piece resin body, (hopper and base). Very, very tasty.
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