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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Good God, I expected that to end a lot lot worse. Phew.
  2. Folks, I am taking a well earned rest for a few weeks and will be back in action on the 26th of August.
  3. Fekkin' children, the lot of yee!
  4. Love the emoticons. But how about a sense of proportion about using them? Some of them are turning into the smiley face equivalent of LOL. To my mind should be used sparingly, when someone says something so genuinely funny, perceptive or incisively sarcastic that you nearly get a hernia from laughing, and not just as a punctuation mark. And frankly, posting a reply with JUST an emoticon should have you banned for a week.
  5. Excellent find. The affix kit did one with the jcb but dapol do them as two separate kits. Would certainly look suitable alright.
  6. I've done that but the dimensions end up pixillated, the original simply doesn't have the resolution, as it's only 53kb in size. Help!
  7. Boskonay, top class job, the layout is very nicely done. I don't doubt there's a fair amount of work put in...I've been that soldier! How can one get larger size drawings of the more recent stock so as to see the dimensions? e.g. the 22000?
  8. Can those drawings be provided any bigger so the general dimensions can be seen? Thanks!
  9. David, welcome to the site and fair play, your work is top class. I thought I recognised that NorthStar Lissadell all right, she really is a beautiful model. All the best Weshty.
  10. (Cough!) Bringing this back on-topic, I got myself an Iwata HP-C a few years ago on ebay. Lovely solid job, topside feeder. The best thing about these is that you have a dual action so that you can get the air flowing before you start flowing in the paint (pushing down on the button) and you can also control the volume/size of spray by pulling back on the lever.
  11. Sweet. Lot of hard work, though no doubt you were in a zen like flow by the end of it, and you're going "Damn! why is it 4:00am all of a sudden?"
  12. SSM can provide numbers crests and lining for various GNR(I), GSR and CIE versions if you need them. And we have brass versions of the WT No.4 and J15 brass number plates.
  13. Yup, that photo is pure class!
  14. Fine job on Anthony's commission there Glenderg. It just looks "real". Given the size, was this a practice run for the Inchicore works main building?
  15. Gentle Jesus, 6600 horsepower. The EMD DDA40X was a 6,600 hp (4.9 MW) D-D diesel-electric locomotive. It uses two diesel engines (each providing 3,300 hp (2.5 MW). The DDA40X remains the most powerful single-unit diesel locomotive type ever built. It is also the longest single-unit diesel locomotive ever built at 98' long.
  16. John, Looking real good, it's come a long way from that cad picture.
  17. Seriously loving the double layer side-grill detail, Mr. Murphy, you are the MAN!
  18. This may be the model to get me FINALLY starting the layout....
  19. "Garryflex?" Sounds like a rip off of "Stretch Armstrong";)
  20. Looks lovely. Is that 21mm track?
  21. Wet 'n'dry finegrain sandpaper block (firm sponge interior). Nice even finish and does the job WELL.
  22. I'll try and get some more up in the near future.
  23. The level to detail is awe inspiring. I was half pushed on getting an NIR 071, but deffo now.
  24. Pure and total greed. They were building them on the utter cheap and probably hoped to get €250k+ per unit. Only problem is, there are thousands of more units throughout the country like these.
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