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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Some great videos there Seamus
  2. Some great shots there Frank and the layout really looks great. More pictures please.
  3. That would be great Rich if the Lazerglaze for the 201's was made available to everyone I'd have a go at doing a few of my own
  4. Yes mate great price you could have 2 of them for the price of a 201 and have some change to buy a wacon or 2. D6517 is going for £56. I fitted it with a lenz silver and I'm amazed at the running quality's without even playing with any of the CV's
  5. Brand new only out of the box is may WCR Heljan class 33 and what a little beauty she is also my new Hornby class 59 and some WCR 47/57's for you.
  6. @ Kirley You have been up to my layout a few times and that is how all my ballast is done. As I said open a window or you will be as high as a kite with a stinking head ache
  7. I notice a lot of the shops seem to be running down their stocks of Vitrains
  8. Very nice well done
  9. Don't worry Shem I'll give you one, do you want a blindfold or not
  10. Its a great way to do your ballasting guys and less hassle that mucking around with washing up liquid I read some where that surgical spirits diluted with water will do the same job but I have never used surgical spirits but if some of you want to try it and let us know how you get on, it easier to get than the isopropanol alcohol as you can pick a bottle up of the shelf in your local chemist shop for 2-3 quid and don't have to order on line. As always make sure you have a window open when using any of the above I don't want any of you getting high.
  11. Check this out Stephen BTW when spraying the alcohol water mix DO NOT get any over spray on your rolling stock as it can destroy some paint jobs and turn them white.
  12. I forgot about the 37's I see Hattons are selling the Vitrains 37 at £50
  13. Welcome on board Robert now get busy with your camera Fran and myself want loads of pics of 66's/59's and another favourite of mine 47's and 57's its good to see more lads from the main land joining our Irish website.
  14. Cheers Bud
  15. Stephen when you are ballasting forget about washing up liquid you need to get yourself some isopropanol alcohol. You dilute it half in half with water and spray it on your ballast. Then add your diluted PVA glue to the ballast. Sit back and watch you will be amazed at how the ballast sucks up the glue no more clumping or bubbles. Its how I do my ballasting and I get great results. Here's a link http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ISOPROPANOL-IPA-Isopropyl-Alcohol-99-9-Pure-1-Litre-/390283951465?pt=UK_Computing_Thermal_Compounds_Supplies&hash=item5adebc7d69#ht_2832wt_1037
  16. Definitely seal the decals Tom simple things like lifting the coaches could cause damage to the decals as you can see you have already got a scratch on one
  17. What would that lot be worth Dave
  18. Yes Rich it will make for a fun project. I came across that site whilst researching the 59 and it provides valuable information. I've been looking out for 59/66 detail parts but I won't order from A1 models as I got bit by them in the past. I can't stand on line shops who take your money when they don't have the item in stock or in their case they were waiting on it to be manufactured but still advertising it online. Starting to build up a nice collection of English models with the 66,59,57's,47,73,55 and my newest purchase a Heljan 33 in WCR livery which is on its way to me as we speak. I have a big soft spot for the WRC and it allows me to have a banker when running my increasing collection of UK kettles
  19. Great looking rake Tom. A little pointer for you is to give your decals a clear protective coat of varnish to stop you getting them scratched I noticed your restaurant has already a little scratch running through the middle of it.
  20. :confused::confused::confused: That's just gone whizzing over the top of my head. Scottie beam me up
  21. Fran this the model I got and this is what I plan to do with it sometime in the future http://s374444733.websitehome.co.uk/class-59/index.htm
  22. Fran is she all wheel drive with the new type motor lights etc. Cracking looking model looking forward to seeing this one haul some big trains on Brens layout I hope they bring out a DB Schenker I got a class 59 in that livery and I hoping to do a chassis swap for a Bachmann 66 when time permits. Some more pic please.
  23. Great pics Gordon I can't believe that those Gatwicks are still rotting away in Lisburn:(
  24. If I get time over the next day or two I will take some pics of a faulty board and show you how to fix it. If I don't get back to you by midweek remind me as my heads all over the place at the minute.
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