Recently on one of the threads on the site the Hornby Railroad range came into question. Performance and pulling power were said to be not very good. This I disagreed with so here is a couple of DVD's to let you guys make your own minds up and hopefully put the issue of the railroad range to bed once and for all.
The 2 models I used are a class 55 and a class 73 both new out of the box and both fitted with a £11 Train Save decoder. I coupled up a rake of 10 coaches as most people would not be running much more than this in a rake and I felt this was a good load to show you guys. They both pulled extremely well and on the up hill section I slowed the class 55 down just to see if I could get her to spin out and stall but to no avail. I also show you in the videos starting off from a stand still and stopping both were smooth and had no problems.