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Everything posted by jhb171achill

  1. Excellent weathering indeed! And yes, the whitish deposit often found was indeed limescale.
  2. May we tentatively HOPE that they get the livery right on this one!
  3. I regret to advise that Noel Playfair, known to very many of us, died suddenly today. May he rest in peace. Noel has been driving on NIR for decades, and was the senior (and often, only) NIR steam driver for the last thirty years or so. Noel will be a massive, massive loss to the railway, his family, and NIR main line steam operations.
  4. That’s outstanding! Re. architects drawings - very often, even if a building was strictly built to them, during the life of the building doors or windows might get bricked up due to internal alterations, or new ones might appear where there wasn’t one for the last 40 years. So it’s still quite possible that your model WAS as you’ve made it - originally but not laterally.
  5. All very valid comments above; the takeaway, though, is the mixture of apathy, lack of detailed knowledge, and actual aversion to railway development within the NTA. They make these announcements every few years - wasn't there one a while bacjk from some local politician in the west which stopped just a little short of claiming that the so-called "WRC" was going to fully reopen. Six-times-daily 36-wagon double-decker freight with electric locos to Swinford, Glockamorra or Manorhamilton, anyone? Hate to be the cynic, but while ALL of the above-suggested are VERY valid and sensible ideas, the rate that our planning authorities move at, the pandering to local gombeen men and those who happliy annex parts of the railway while whinging about drivers seeing into their houses, and the shrill, sanctimonious antics of the lycra-greenway brigade, are all obstacles enough with out the eh, "assistance" of the NTA. What is needed is a fleet of bulldozers, and an exemption for all matters pertaining to planning permission, or any other type of permission, plus compulsory purchase orders dished out where needed and when needed - and no obligation for IE to have any "enquiries" or "local consultation" with "stakeholders". Just DO it. It's in the national interest. In all, I will believe it when I see it. And I do not think that I will live that long. It took 40 years to reopen the Harcourt Street line. Not a sniff of a train to Navan, or how to overcome the car-park industry which doesn't like the idea of trains into Dublin Airport.
  6. Ah, now, Gorey is OK. I know a very nice person from near there…. (I’ve to get me bus now)
  7. For GSR the above is a bit on the light side - the shade they (PLUS the NCC & BCDR, as it happens; I've seen actual examples of all three!) used was as close to 1920s LMS maroon as makes no odds. Any English supplier of authentic pre-British Railways colours could presumably supply that? By the way - Galteemore - what IS that absolute beauty of a coach?
  8. Pretty much what it looks like, Pete - a pinkish colour with a brownish tint - much of which would be brake dust. While railways all went to great lengths to keep paint colours uniform (despite many urban legends about a million shades of this or that), fading would be different in every case. Weather, sunlight, intensive use, storage at different distances from smoke-producing loco sheds, etc etc, all played a part. A vehicle might be more work-worn on one side than the other….. So if you wanted to model something that looks that much worn, I’d go for some mix of a beige colour and a light red, maybe. Experiment on card first! You’ll note that the green on the other coach is almost as bad. The C & L had no carriage shed by this stage and everything spent 100% of its time outdoors in the rain!
  9. Shame - never used it myself but was aware of several folks who found it extremely useful.
  10. Fascinating array of weatherbeaten rolling stock! Like the nameplates, and their red (or black!) backgrounds; some did, some didn’t!
  11. Looks superb! (The layout, not the emojis!) Dunno how they appeared....... That two-plank wagon looks like a BCDR one - or possibly one of the very rare examples of genuine private owners in Ireland - in this case an East Downshire one, possibly. The gunpowder van - now THAT is a new one to me, and a rare one! Excellent spot. Regarding the UTA's wagon "livery"; yes - such was the state of their wagons that any attempt at reality pretty much completely excludes anything clean, pristine or tidy. Bare wood, overpainted "G"s and "N"s on some vans, clumsy renumbering - normal. The ballast - it is actually there, but has been trampled into tghe ground and possibly not properly been renewed since BCR times! There ye go! Emojis gone...........
  12. They'd better not let the NTA hear of this, or they will close the DSER south of Greystones within the week, and build seventeen sewage works and motorways across the railway formation, after removing all the bridges and selling the land to farmers..........
  13. They were worried about appearing in the same catalogue as, y'know, themmuns who go to a different church........
  14. My late aunt, never a lady to keep her opinions private, used to say of people like Twiggy (AND me, AND one of my sisters)….. ”They’re built like pencils”…. or…. “You’ve legs like a couple of pencils”!!
  15. .....(tries to work out what livery it's in, and whether it's upside down.........)
  16. Sounds as if someone has encountered an Ecumenical Matter!
  17. "If PJ sees this lot there'll be war - this was all meant to be loaded on the mixed this morning" "Well, there was no sign of Tommy to load it this morning, an' it's not my job" "That's coz he was in O'Donoghue's till five in the morning - where d'ye think all them empty barrels came from!" "Some oul session it was, to be fair.....yer man's sister is a great oul ballad singer...." "Were YOU there too? I didn't see ye" "Yeah, but I'm on the late today. I was down the back with the O'Shea lads. Did me bit emptyin' those kegs....."
  18. Also in 1959, on another day A42 has the road for the leisurely crawl up to Castletown West. The branch has an overall 25mph limit, but few drivers would be happy exceeding 15 or 20, especially in an "A" class......
  19. But the following day......... "What's happened A30? Thought she was on until Wednesday?" "Broken fuel pipe on the goods last night. She's at Headford Junction".....
  20. Earlier in the day, A30 passes the same spot with the 12:30 down train to Dugort Harbour
  21. On a dull evening in 1959, the 5.30 to the junction ambles across Carrowmore Bog towards Castletown West....
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