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Hunslet 102

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Everything posted by Hunslet 102

  1. Hornby Skaledale!would never had thought that!it actually looks quite Irish and certainly looks at home on your layout.
  2. Looking good as ever Noel.I like your platform shelter-is it homemade?
  3. Thats the one Nelson-thanks.That is interesting to know about the railtec transfers,maybe some of the other guys could confirm it.
  4. Thanks Nelson,I think the railtec ones are overscale,so you may want to confirm that before making any purchases.There is a company that does bus transfers which I am sure also does the UTA crests which are the correct scale for the coaches,but for the life of me I cant remember their name,I was hoping that was where you had got yours from!Your friends crests look great,pity he did not have some more!
  5. Great job on the coach Nelson,can I ask where you got the UTA crest from?
  6. Looking forward to the show next month David,it is the best show in Scotland by far in my opinion,even better than Glasgow.
  7. Looking forward to seeing a layout progressing Seamus,some nice stock there to run on it
  8. Workbench looking as busy as ever Kieran,like the look of those windows from Glenderg,they set the railcars off well.I see you have managed to get Colin unto the site,just saw his 70 class build on this thread,looking good.Keep up the good work Kieran
  9. Looking good as always Noel,there is always plenty happening around Tara Junction,those push/pull units look superb.
  10. Just love the look and feel from this layout,it is so realistic,great stuff
  11. Superb piece of modelling Nelson,well done
  12. Nice job with the 80 class Kieran,you have done a great job.
  13. Top job Kieran,the hard work has paid off,look forward to seeing her finished
  14. Sorry to hear of your loss Seamus.
  15. Kieran-if you have not already got it,pick up a copy of Rail Runabout by Sam Somerville,there is around 8 photographs showing roof detail on the 80 classes in their various liveries.
  16. That van is a stunning piece of work Nelson,well done.You are certainly not a slow worker,I am finally getting round to finishing an AEC railcar that has been kicking around for a couple of years
  17. Signals look fantastic,they really add a new dimension to the layout,which is looking as good as ever.Nice work also with the unseen part of the layout.
  18. Great job on the power car Kieran,I think you have captured the look very well.Good job with the intermediate coaches also,they too look the part.Just one point with the driving trailer that you might want to have a look at.The drivers window should be a bit larger.The top of the window should be about level with the side cantrail and a bit higher than the drivers side window.I know you have 35 years of NIR,have a look at the close up shot of the driving trailer on page 80,that will give you a good guide.
  19. Great photo's Richie,a picture paints a thousand words and showed John what I would have tried to explain in words!!
  20. John-when they were relaying the old Central line in preparation for trains running to Central,a DH with around 6 spoil wagons was commonly in use.My aunt stayed in Utility Street and I used to watch the action from there when visiting.All other times I would agree with 2 or 3 max as that was what I remember on the GNR section when new ballast was getting put down. One other interesting point,there was another spoil contract in 1974 that lasted about a year that had Hunslet haulage with around 10 spoil wagons in use.These wagons had NIR on the sides,same position as the UT on the original wagons.Here's my thought though,were these some of the original spoil wagons that were not converted for PW work and just tarted up by NIR for the contract?My guess is that they were,but if you have a definitive answer....
  21. Agreed John,although some of them remained in service a very long time after the spoil contract finished.I would doubt NIR would have converted more than about a dozen given the size of the system and the money constraints that they worked under
  22. Great job Leslie,you have captured the prototype brilliantly.
  23. Looking forward to the release of these iconic wagons,thanks for getting the project of the ground Leslie.
  24. All the original intermediates for the 80 class had the middle doors,however,when the GMs took over the NIR Enterprise duties in1981 with a new batch of coaches,some of the original Enterprise coaches that ran behind the Hunslet's were converted to 80 class intermediates and these did not have the centre doors.The shots of the 2 class 80 intermediate coaches that you posted in your earlier post,while being well painted,are wrong as they only have 7 windows which were what the old first class coach had and these were not converted to run with the 80 class.The standard opens with 8 windows were the only type converted,a Lima SO second class coach can be picked up quite cheap and re painted to give an authentic intermediate coach from the early 80s onwards.
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