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Hunslet 102

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Everything posted by Hunslet 102

  1. Josefstadt,I have carried out some more research on the 80 classes that went to IR and found the following information in 35 years of NIR by Jonathan Allen. Power car 69,intermediate trailers 761 and 772 and driving trailers 735 and 737 were all leased from October 1987 until November 1990.Power car 68 was also leased from October 1987,but returned to NIR in April 1990. The dates for the other 3 vehicles are very interesting.Power car 86 was leased from November 1987(3rd?) until September 1988 and then again from July 1989 until November 1990.Intermediate coach 767 and driving trailer 740 were leased from November 1987 until September 1988 and then again from March 1990 to April 1990.Hope this is of further help.
  2. Some great photos,interesting seeing the photo at Dawlish after the recent pictures of it after the storms.
  3. Some great shots again,like the new station building,it looks great
  4. An interesting and superb make over for a particularly non railway looking piece of kit.
  5. Great action shots again Noel,well done
  6. Fair enough,it's your layout and you can run what you want.It may have been more appropriate to post your picture in your layout thread rather than in a thread NIR Hunslet photo's of the prototype,as the picture could suggest that the maroon version carried that style of logo,especially to people who never remembered them in their original livery.
  7. That's the one Nelson
  8. A superb build of a super looking kit,looking forward to seeing it in its full glory in Black and Tan.
  9. Nice but sad looking photo's of the Hunslet,thanks for posting. Re the model photo above,the maroon Hunslet's never carried the white NIR logo in service.
  10. It's great to have a story with the pictures,which are nice and crisp,well done.NIR actually had a small crane similar to your model,albeit in a different livery.
  11. Yes the CIE containers would be great,so commonplace for many years. Agree with garfieldsghost,any version of a Bell container will sell.
  12. There is a photo in Irish Railways,40 Years of Change by Colin Boocock,albeit in black and white,of D302 after overhaul at Inchicore works in 1963,which shows the small tan band on the lower body with the small white strip on the upper body breaking up the mainly black body?
  13. Kieran,weigh your Hornby weights that you are using,then see if you can put heavier weights into the same area.I use heavy duty washers that I can pick up in work in place of the suppliers weights in some loco's,as some of the weights supplied are not up to much.
  14. That is a superb piece of workmanship and from your real life photo's it really captures the original perfectly,the whole model station just oozes atmosphere,as does your whole layout overall.The final real life photo gives a great guide as to how much you need to lower the footbridge,which looks like the original also,is it a bought or handmade model?Super stuff as always Kieran.
  15. Nice tidy work Nelson,in a nice tidy area,wish I could say the same about my own stuff! Keep up the good work,looking forward to seeing the finished van.
  16. Great scenes once again Noel,every pic has a story to tell
  17. Just a few more photos from the layout,showing my favourite locomotive,the NIR DL class,better known as the Hunslet.The photos are all beside the fictitious Alsadon station,which will be swept away and replaced with a more accurate model of Adelaide station from the 70s,once work on GVSt has been completed. The first photo shows Hunslet 101 Eagle heading to GVSt with the Enterprise,passing sister loco 102 Falcon on a permanent way working.In the sidings behind the platform,CIE B class loco,No.B165,is marshalling loose coupled wagons for a return trip to Dundalk. The following 2 photo's show the Hunslets passing each other in the station,one taken from the street side of the fence and the other from the goods yard side of the fence.
  18. Top job on the parcel van Kieran,just like the real thing
  19. Nice work again Kieran,Kirley Junction is really looking great,look forward to more to come this year.
  20. Thanks John-I know that lorries were never on the main platform at GVSt,I explained the reason it was there in an earlier post to Nelson.The lorry modelled could also be found at the back of platform 4 along side the taxi's and post office vans,it ran between GVSt and York Road. Thanks Noel,I look forward to more great work from Tara Junction this year Cheers Seamus,unfortunately yes there was stock damaged.An MED railcar and a BUT railcar both suffered bomb damage in the station,I am sure both ended up being withdrawn.I have also seen a photo of a couple of CIE heating vans with major bomb damage in the station siding,but not sure if that happened in the station or they were towed there.There was also other rolling stock damaged elsewhere in the network,but mainly it was hoax bomb scares rather than actual bombs that blighted NIR back then. Thanks UP6936.The carriages in the photo are Murphy Models Cravens.These,along with laminates and Park Royals were the main stock used before the arrival of the Supertrain MK2s.The Mk2s arrived in 1972 and were on the Enterprise service from the start.However,they were replaced with the older stock on regular occasions during the 70s,obviously to avoid bomb damage.
  21. Thanks again guys for your comments.Following on from the photo of the island platform canopies,the following few photo's show them in their near finished state,another coat of paint should be suffice. Anyway,the first photo shows the island platform canopies as they would have looked in the early 70s after one of the numerous bomb attacks on Great Victoria Street station.A works gang are trying to make the canopies safe,probably a fruitless task! The following shot has been taken from the end of the platform and it shows the resolve of the Belfast people during the troubles as life goes on with BUT double ended railcar No122 ready to depart with a service to Portadown.The repair gang would have worked away with no H & S guys sticking their tuppence worth in The final photo has been taken further up the platform and shows the single ended BUT waiting for its final passengers to board.The CIE Enterprise has recently arrived over in platform 2 headed by A class A20.
  22. Looks good to me for being new to kit building,it will at least give you the confidence to tackle larger projects in the future,thanks for posting
  23. Never worry about modelling flaws,we all have them.Like the grave digger scene,nice touch.The Wickham car looks like a nice little model,as you say,nice to have a model from the glory days.
  24. I remember this layout from the old sites,always impressed with the viaduct.Like the old 'Dunster' station in the background,had one of them myself back then,it's still around on the present layout converted into a Royal Mail depot!Always nice to look back on what we have done in the past and that is one of the great things about posting on the forum,it is a timeless record of what we have done.
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