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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Does anyone know where I might be able to find some of these Britbuses? They were release 4-5 years ago and sold out I think AE-05A AEC Regent III/Park Royal Great Northern Railway 285 Dundalk AE-05B AEC Regent III/Park Royal Great Northern Railway 287 Newry AE-06A AEC Regent III/Park Royal C I E AR 295 Drogheda AE-06B AEC Regent III/Park Royal C I E AR 301 St Annes Estate Many thanks
  2. As my old flight instructor would have said "any landing you can walk away from is a good landing". I think they run away from this one….
  3. He-he. Could have been worse. Mind the gap!
  4. Thanks IM! Any other September shows please let me know. Thank you.
  5. Subscribed to the thread so I could find it again!
  6. Eoin, I was just curious it that fan shifts any air or has flat blades only. I seem to remember someone drilling out an exhaust on a 141? recently as the decoder generated a lot of heat
  7. Thanks, Eoin. That would definitely be an alternative. I was hoping to see some layouts in the flesh and maybe chats with a few modellers. Still planning a layout in my mind but would like to see what others have done and what works
  8. Any more info on the Abbeyleix show or anything in mid September-ish?
  9. Can I get some? At half price, I don't need the boxes
  10. Weathering bible might be useful, no ideas on detailing this class, not my outline http://www.amazon.co.uk/Art-Weathering-Martyn-Welch/dp/1874103119/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1435718429&sr=1-1&keywords=the+art+of+weathering+martyn+welch Food for thought http://martynwelch.com
  11. As a follow-up to the thread my new 2700 class DMU with its TCS decoder is now working perfectly. When received, the locomotive's TCS decoder had a long address of 2700 and would not work on DC. I reprogrammed the decoder to a short address (CV1) and it immediately ran perfectly on DCC and the TCS function only decoder in the dummy car worked the directional marker lights in that car flawlessly. When switched back to DC the DMU again ran perfectly when it would previously not do so, confirming what several members had stated, that their TCS decoders would allow the chipped loco to run on DC. I don't have a manual for the TCS decoder but referred to my Lenz 21+ booklet. CV29 Bit 3 (which facilitates running on both DC and DCC (when enabled), versus operation on DCC only) is set by default to "1" (on), which allow DCC and DC operations. I did not reprogram CV29, merely reset the decoder to a short address (CV1), so it appears that the CV29 Bit 3 was automatically reset to on. It is unclear whether the CV29 Bit 3 was accidentally turned off ("0") by the previous owner disabling DC running, or whether programming an extended address alone (CV29 Bit 6) disables DC running by turning Bit 3 'off'. I believe the TCS decoder in the dummy car is a function only decoder (without a motor control) and since both were likely programmed together as a consist disabling CV29 Bit 3 not only prevents motor operations but entirely disables operation under DC including functions (in this case, lighting) Everything working correctly now, so happy this was such an easy fix!
  12. To answer my own question here, 1964- Flying Snail emblem replaced within 'Broken Wheel' logo. 1987- Logo change from CIE to 'IR' (Irish Rail) 1994- Logo change from IR to IE (Iarnrod Eireann) THis and more cover nicely in Kieran's thread here http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/4699-CIE-to-IE-Timeline?highlight=cie+timeline
  13. The sheer variety of rolling stock in these old videos is incredible. I have seen this video before and only now realize how much I missed the previous time! How all of this was lost in incomprehensible:confused:
  14. Please PM me if you have one of these boxes that you no longer need. Thank you, Kevin
  15. Likely it could. It would be a great resource as long as members take care to ensure the accuracy of additions or amendments to it
  16. Posting a few photos to show what's under the cab which is pretty straightforward The photo are for newbies and if you've decoded a fleet of locos and have an engineering degree in model locomotive design please don't waste you time reading on….. Body removed from chassis (in two parts) and slotted vertically back into each other On the chassis from left to right (Cab 1 on left towards Cab 2 'at back') Instrumentation panel and driver's seat, cab back wall abutting the printed circuit board (PCB), blank 21 pin decoder sitting atop the PCB, light switches on blue plastic housing to switch on/off lights on front or rear of loco when running on DC (when running in consist, for example), ovoid housing for speaker when sound decoder is fitted on top of some wiring to Cab 2 NOTE ON Manual LIGHT switching: Switch 1 turns on or/off all lights on 'Cab 2' and switch '2' operates the lights on 'cab 1', (which seems counter-intuitive). If turned off, the headlight and marker lights on the appropriate end are turned off when traveling in that direction and the red marker light on that end does not illuminate when the traveling on the opposite direction. Removing the cab detail (engineer's instrumentation, seating etc.) is simple and involves removing two screws on top of the right and left sides (behind the white wire and to the right of the red) This exposes a double prism which is slotted into place and reflects light from the LED upwards and then forwards as the headlight (the LED is located at a lower level than the headlight itself, as the engineers cab is directly behind the headlight) The observant reader will have observed that the white wire is disconnected in this case and is the source of the problem here. I was not certain that the MM141s had LEDs (which they do) as opposed to bulbs and hence the likelihood of an LED failing is far less than that of an incandescent (Thanks, IT) I guess the purchase of a small wire stripper is now in order, not to mention a small soldering iron. I am still not certain where the wire needs to be soldered exactly or whether I need to remove the bogie to do that …. ( I believe that the motor is incorporated into the bogie under cab 2 (rear wheel drive!, the only way to go:D)
  17. Hi Noel, Sorry, should have said the loco was running on DC only although this is a good chance to chip her now she's open if I can resolve the white lights issue. I think some of the decoders like Lenz Silver 21+ have the ability to set to the lights to several different preset sequences, on , off, flashing in or out of phase with other lights. Can't remember the CVs off the top of my head. Hope it;s not the PCB!
  18. Nice shots, bufferstop! Enjoyed those:tumbsup:
  19. Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone could direct me to a resource to help me with this. I have googled online and searched on the site without finding an article that will help (there may be one, I just didn't find it) The lights on my 161sa began to flicker at certain points on my simple test oval. I attributed this to needing a good clean. A day or two later I have no lights on Cab 1 end with the usual single red marker operating correctly on the rear and all red and white lights, illuminating correctly when driving Cab 2. I have taken the 'brave' step of removing Cab1 and the remaining body to expose the PCB and cabs. It appears that light is transmitted to the headlight using a fibre optic/prism from a source below the cab and I am not sure if there is a separate source for the marker lights as they can operate independently under DCC. Could someone advise on whether they think this a a blown bulb, loose wire or something else. There is no Irish outline model shop nearby, the nearest model shop is 35-40 miles away and I don't mind attempting the fix unless it is overly complicated. Thanks in advance Kevin
  20. Pure class Roxy. Many thanks to Austin. With a bit of editing of the industrial area that could be a promotional video for Ireland! That steam didn't half scare the life out of that pony, though!
  21. I wonder if mrsmakem and gostude are actually the same person based on the similarities in pricing and optimism?
  22. Put it up if you don't mind. No moderator has advised against. It seems you have forum support and in the absence of any illegality now I think you're good to go. We're into personal enjoyment too!
  23. Perfect! Just what I needed!
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