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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Great job with the dazzle wagons:tumbsup:
  2. Don't worry about the hols, they weren't on sale. I had just finished with Baby GMs so this sale hit a little sooner than I'd like. That said, I purchased an 071 fleet too and dare I say it my single MM0229 for the hell of it. Basically I got that for free! Incidentally, It's past midnight over there and they sale hasn't ended. Likely they forgot to tell the computer….. …. or they might extend it (but don't blame me if they shut it off at 9am and you didn't get that last 071)
  3. Thanks for the replies. Kinda had a feel for they possibly being better in the long run, although I have to say that the weathering on the 071s is not bad (imho). I have 073 and 085 and like both a lot. The weathering on th 141s while I love them is lees realistic, more like a quick spray of all over grey. Thats a great idea about Marks!
  4. Don't forget this finishes online at 11.59pm tonight Sunday if you 'need' anything
  5. Any advice? ….. (sale at Marks Models finishing today)
  6. Wow! That's very impressive, Eoin. Did you use the light saber for that?
  7. Would it be possible to renumber a pre-weathered locomotive realistically or is that likely to leave me with a pristine shiny number in several positions on the loco amidst the otherwise excellent factory weathering, like some kid had wiped the dirt off…….. Or….. Would it be better to get an unweathered loco, renumber it (doesn't seem too hard based on the good advices given on other threads) and then weather that (which I have no idea how to do effectively without screwing up a perfectly good model). I would need to get someone to do that (at least at this point in time, maybe on a visit to the home country) but if the former would look poorly, then maybe it might be worth the extra effort?
  8. To answer my own question, after backing a page or so on their site, it appears that the micro decoders do come with a speaker ….. but still expensive
  9. Great tips, Richie! One question if I may….. I am thinking of purchasing another loco before the Marks sale ends, and while I initially did not had an appreciation for weathered locos they have grown on me (slow process, kinda like mould). Anyway, do you think it would be possible to renumber a pre-weathered locomotive or is that likely to leave me with a pristine shiny number in several positions on the loco, like some kid had wiped the dirt off…….. Or….. get an unweathered loco, renumber it (doesn't seem too hard based on the good advices given above) and then weather that (which I have no idea how to do effectively without screwing up a perfectly good model (no access to Richie's tutorials due to distance)). I would need to get someone to do that (at least at this point in time, maybe on a visit to the home country) Thanks in advance
  10. Even though an ESU decoder, this well exceeds the value of the locomotive itself at Stg117,50. Where's the speaker? Is it all in one or you need to purchase that in addition
  11. Nice little model & price, bad shipping. I'd ship using parcel motel. It would cost you STG4 and about Eur4 more to Kilkenny
  12. Can I just say that the information in this thread may eventually prove very useful but somewhat difficult to search for if the thread become lengthy (at least I have sometimes had difficulty locating information in some older threads that I know I've read but can't quite find the info again) It would be ideal if we had something in the resources section in a somewhat standardized format that members could add to, that might eventually become a very useful reference for members, and could be edited by some senior members to ensure reasonable accuracy. Someone also called on members to try to update information on steam locomotives that were listed under Irish locomotives on Wiki (iirc) which might also become a useful reference albeit not on the site
  13. Two guys bid up to GBP92 for this Intercity 201 with a missing original grey coupling and broken drivers steps, when they are at Marks Models for the equivalent of GBP99! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181750336106?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  14. That's very interesting, Josefstadt. I guess I assumed that they had always used the marker light in the rear (and there lies another lighting project for some modelers). You also answered a question that I had also omitted to ask on here regarding the simultaneous red and white lights. I assumed it meant the loco might head off in either direction so thanks for that clarification! Sounds like a millennium upgrade by IE for the GMs, Noel.
  15. Low stock or not there are only 31 days in May!
  16. Jim, you're full of it:D (advice) Love the bridge and water, Nelson, recognized it from another thread that you had contributed to Nice layout!
  17. Junction M is correct. Memorial is primarily a US holiday. I included the Irish troops as a mark of respect given the membership of the site. My original post is intended as a salute of solidarity with these families. I propose we do not discuss the working of the UN on the thread (unless they have a private locomotive fleet of course!). Let's stay on topic. Thanks for your contributions. Happy Memorial Day to the membership here in the US.
  18. If you look under the postage section on the eBay auction, it will specifically state where the seller will ship to and where not, in this case most European countries, but not North America etc, Shock! collectible horrors, I couldn't bid Annoyingly for many modelers on this site, UK sellers will often only post to the UK, OR….. state in the description that they will ship to "Southern Ireland" (wherever that is) but do not select Ireland as a destination. Hence, anyone displaying an address not in the UK will often be prevented from physically placing a bid by eBay. I think Blaine pointed this out above. Parcel Motel can be used as a workaround, of course
  19. This eBay auction was European-wide, so we cannot necessarily assume that every fool is Irish;)
  20. For the families of Irish-American military personnel and the many Irish soldiers that gave their lives serving with the United Nations over the decades, we respectfully wish you a happy Memorial Day.
  21. Remember, there were two fools in this auction, so if you have anything to sell it would fund some Irish freight models very nicely!
  22. Indeed! This just sold for £270. (€380)!!
  23. That's three PMs re a split....
  24. A bit optimistic in my opinion but if you really want one a best offer is available (I think they may be SOLD OUT at this point, haven't checked) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Murphy-Models-OO-Gauge-MM0111-class-071-diesel-in-N-I-R-Light-Blue-/251967975973?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3aaa763225 EDIT: Yep, RB models stil have a pair for cheaper than this
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