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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Yes, very interesting, which explains why only 112 of the three MM NIR 111 class models has the newer LED lights
  2. Same speed given the same amount of maintenance? but, please Jim, tell us more about broad(er) gauge….
  3. What I did not realize when I posted this first (but do now since I have a newly acquired model of 078), is that MM0078 also has the old style marker light in addition to the small logo. MM0077 and MM0085 both have the newer LED marker lights (apparently installed in the 2000s) and large logo. I guess this is in keeping the small logo being applied to the prototype at some early time point followed by a move the definitive larger logo. EDIT: Finally managed to make it through a lot of the thread on the 071 model (which precedes my membership on the fora) and some additional information regarding the small logo here with a picture of 078 with the small logo (but the newer LED lights)http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/6-Murphy-Models-071-New-detailed-pre-production-photos-added!/page74 Could somebody remind me which years the CIE roundel, IR and IE logos were introduced in general please? Thanks in advance
  4. Does anyone know when ©I®E changed the original marker lights and installed LED white and double red LEDs on the 071s? Originally these has the same configuration as the baby GMs above
  5. A wee problem with traction i would have thought ….?
  6. I think it adjusts the airflow at the nozzle (about 1:42) http://airbrushtechniquemagazine.com/airbrush/veda-wd-180-airbrush-review/ Hope that helps
  7. You're doing a total respray after your visit with Richie? I did notice that the orange color on the ST EGV wraps round onto the back of the coach and I was wondering what you were going to do with that. Tranfers seem to the the way to go for the white lines
  8. Check out post #650 here and reasonably priced http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/125-Glenderg-s-Projects/page65
  9. That has been sitting on there for as long as I can remember. Maybe fell off for a while, now stagnating there again:facepalm:
  10. Fantastic effort! Vote cast, Roy
  11. Noel, if that sells don't repaint anything just stick them on eBay to offer to a collector Brand new at Marks for equivalent of Stg100, hard month to sell. He's looking for a Hunslet
  12. You may have reached a sufficient tissue level of alcohol that embalming fluid would not be required. Of course, If you're opting for cremation, I'm standing a long way back.
  13. Not sure about Shannon but the 141s are not making more than E110-E120 or its equivalent. Other liveries are going for even less than that. There are some on there for up to STG115 but they are still there. In the last few months I have purchased 187, 184, 171 (twice) all at less than Eur121, but I agree that if you chum the waters enough, someone will eventually bite. I realized that would likely be the case. It's not my thing but I have seen several rebuilds of the Class 80s on the fora so I thought someone might be interested
  14. Class 80 MIR kit http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221775627763?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  15. I does appear that the final stage of closing the lid can be completed from the inside, ………… you just can't leave the screwdriver in the will!
  16. Jim, it was your birthday, you're not dead (yet)! I suppose luck favors the prepared (with a set of instructions in hand)
  17. THat's the second time in several days. It's still there but there may not be a third restock. If you really want it, I'd BIN!
  18. Meanwhile back at the ranch...... http://time.com/3881656/russian-proton-m-rocket-fails/
  19. Nice loco, didn't know anything about her before you posted. Seems like the prototype was pretty powerful for an engine designed in the 60s but just too heavy for BRs requirements.
  20. Not to mention Pink at 0:45,………….. and she started from about 5 inches higher than the men Disclaimer: 18, L, viewer discretion advised after 1:00m (language)
  21. Post a photo of the new baby?
  22. Aren't we all getting closer to getting the old age pension?…………. no, wait! I'm under no illusions that there will none when some of us get there. It's 'retirement', Jim, but not as we know it. Happy Birthday, Jim! :disco::cheers:
  23. Any photos? ……. (if I promise not to criticize the white balancing etc.)
  24. I was thinking of using Code 82 due to easier availability and I suspect the difference scale wise between Code 75 and Code 82 must be minimal, not sure if the rail, chairs etc. is the same on these or not?
  25. Ouch!, that's gotta hurt, although marginally better to be run over by a restrained crowd than the Dart, I suspect MIND THE GAP!
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